Sunday, November 5, 2017

Happy UN-Birthday November 39ers

November 39ers Shine Inside & Out 

Music memories are often included here, as artists and songs of every era, shape our lives and attitudes. ♪ As we step into the final two months of the year, think about the multitude of music that permeates the Holiday Season … Sing! Dance! Enjoy!

39 Years Ago this Month ~ November 1978                
In 1978, Heavy Metal and Disco—about as far apart from each other as music can get—clashed loudly, ignoring the early stages of Punk Rock vying for attention. A few notables …
November 3rd: The heavy Disco soundtrack of Grease (released in June) was climbing its way to the top of the radio charts. Cue the mirror ball! “You’re the One that I Want … ooh, ooh, ooh …” ♪
November 10th: Iconic dance tune, “Le Freak” (Chic) captured the sing-a-long quality of Disco and entered KFRC/San Francisco’s 610 Hits chart at #31. In huge leaps and bounds, it soon took the #1 spot.
November 17th: On the somber side of things, Alice Cooper stressed out in the raucous Metal life. Sober but soulful, he released “From the Inside,” his eleventh album, dramatizing a struggle with alcohol.

For 39ers who Follow the Stars
November 39ers may often find themselves in a daunting obligation to lead the way. From introspective, creatively planning Scorpios (Oct 23 – Nov 21) who provide the visions—to the energetic, lead-follow-or-move-out-of-the-way ambitious Sagittarians (Nov 22 – Dec 21), it’s a bet they’re already ensuring the New Year is on target.

With the power of three (+) Zodiac  enlightenment symbols to draw from: Scorpion, Eagle, and Phoenix—Scorpios are a natural at coordinating elements of life, though implementing may prove a tougher challenge. Sagittarians, however are focused as they take aim and hone in on the horizon. Charge!

Aging with ATT-i-tude Platitude
When it comes to staying young, a mind-lift beats a face-lift any day.
~ Marty Bucella, cartoonist and humorist for venerable publications like the Saturday Evening Post.

Great cheese and wine need aging, but for
Age is a number … LIFE is ATT-i-tude!

Happy UN-Birthday NOVEMBER 39ers,
(This one’s for you, kids – 39AHC UN-Birthday 39ers: JV, Jackie, and Moi!)

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