39ers Live and Learn!
At 39 years old, you’ve seen a bit of the world and learned
a thing or two (hopefully). You’ve honed your right-or-wrong values and sharpened
your skills to spot B.S. in most situations. However, when you’re 39 and Holding for a bunch more years,
your perspectives continue to evolve, and you know there is so much more to
learn …
39 Years Ago
this Month ~ JULY 1979
July 14th: The best read you’ll have
all month—then-President Jimmy Carter voiced his concerns about Americans’ lack of faith in the nation’s
administration. “President Carter speaks to Americans about the "crisis of confidence" in
American government, values, and way of life, as the public expresses doubt in
a better future for their own children. Carter challenges citizens to unite and
address the problems in America by first addressing the energy shortage.

While you read through it, compare
what Mr. Carter says, to today’s issues. Replace energy shortage with terrorism
or rising rates on everything, or any
number of other crises. Little has changed. They are much the same, just more
acute. Although I don’t agree in the way Mr. Trump conducts his public persona,
I do believe he is trying to affect much- needed changes. They were needed
then. They are needed even more, now.
One difference between then and now?
We didn’t vilify the president for inadequacies. We worked with what we had,
and we voted to make changes. But we still need to unify. “Whenever you have a
chance, say something good about our
country,” Mr. Carter said. Take heed, “United
States of America”!
For 39ers who
Follow the Stars
According to Wiki, until the 15th century, July’s birthstone was a turquoise/onyx duo. The royal red ruby didn’t come into favor until the 20th century. Which do you
prefer? Whatever floats your boat.

you rule life by the Zodiac though, the birthstone changes for the second half of the month. Leo’s
(July 23-Aug 22) majesty rules with the mysterious and dramatic onyx. The powerful stone is the
perfect pairing for Leo’s benevolent supremacy. Leos can love as big as the
summer sun; sometimes with an ego to match. That’s the lion for you!
Aging with ATT-i-tude Platitude
Aging is letting go of who you were
yesterday, coming to terms with who you are today, and planning how you will live
better tomorrow.
~ L. Rochelle
(Writer, editor, armchair philosopher, and your humble 39er hostess.)

Happy UN-Birthday JULY 39ers,
one’s for you, kids – 39AHC UN-Birthday 39ers: John 75!,
Yvonne, Ed, Marilyn, Pat, Joyce, and Susan!)
on Twitter: @39HoldingClub