Saturday, October 5, 2019

Happy UN-Birthday 39ers OCTOBER 2019

Who Doesn’t Love October?!

Despite all efforts to be otherwise, I am an optimist. I see virtue in every month, but October is truly unique. It’s fun, intricate, intense, and intriguing.

From the turn of fall leaves to cooler nights, from the first blush of Holiday excitement, to the mystique of Halloween and Samhain, October stands out in the annual parade of months.

As do our stand-out October 39ers! Break out the champagne cocktails and let’s get this month rolling in pie dough!

Along with Your UN-Birthday ~ Happy OCTOBER Celebrations         
Since I began this month visiting a friend in Texas and reminded of my rural NorCal upbringing, October continues my “Howdy” fun and urges you to put a twang in your talk for Country Music Month … did you know it was declared so by Richard Nixon in 1970? It seems like Nixon ghosts are all over this October too, as comparisons with another president abound.
            Moving right along, we can’t forget that before the Holiday pies and specialty cocktails appear in our hands, we must celebrate Pizza Month! Yum! Like we need a specific month to observe this iconic food. I try to enjoy it at least once every month!

So, coming off September’s National Drink Beer Day (28th), and with this month featuring Pizza, the logical next step is …
October 9th: International Beer AND Pizza Day! Yahoo! My favorite month AND my favorite food and libation. I’m all in, how about you?

October 15th: Many Boomer 39ers will have fun commemorating I Love Lucy Day! While there is no sponsoring link for this special day, it has been established on the Brownielocks calendar site, and from one redhead to another, “You Go Girl!” In all her fun lunacy, Lucy (Lucille Désirée Ball) was an early inspiration for independent women, even as she worked within her “traditional” marriage.
Lucy strove for equality and recognition. And though quite the businesswoman, her heart was always in comedy. Not immediately appreciated, Time magazine had this to say about the revered lady and her show: “I Love Lucy premiered on this day, Oct. 15, in 1951, TIME’s TV listings acknowledged as a ‘a triumph of bounce over bumbling material,’ an ‘engagingly’ funny show starring a good actress and her ‘adequate’ husband. The secret of staying young is to live honestly, eat slowly, and lie about your age. Lucille Ball    

October 26th: Bet you’ve been waiting for this one! Howl at The Moon Night … awwwwwooooo! With fifteen locations around the country and on the Norwegian cruise line, this enterprising bar deserves applause—so let’s “Clap for the Wolfman”! I never pass up an October without recognizing the Rock Radio DJ with the most celebrated howl on the air—Wolfman Jack! It’s all accordin’ to how your boogaloo situation stands!
We don’t need a full moon* to howl, but in case you’re wondering, it’s on Sunday the 13th this month—*The full moon is considered unlucky if it occurs on Sunday but lucky if it occurs on Monday—so clear the bad luck and howl at the New Moon on the 28th, just in time to give Halloween a little starshine!
October 31st: Of course, it’s Halloween! And for we Irish 39ersSlàinte! (Cheers!) It is also **Samhain, which spawned Halloween celebrations and a cauldron of legends around the globe, about 2,000 years ago, give or take 500 or so. **At Samhain the division between this world and the otherworld was at its thinnest, allowing spirits to pass through. Boo!

For 39ers who Follow the Stars
People-pleasing Librans lead into the month and transformative Scorpios turn it into a party!

As gentle as Scorpios are mysterious, Libra (09/23 – 10/22) starts off October with a wing and a prayer, and promise of some monetary gains. But don’t forget to balance your scales, so it doesn’t go out as quickly as it comes in!

Know any Scorpios? Beware! (Even more so than usual …) Scorpio (10/23 – 11/21) rules the month. Although Scorpio is as intriguing as ever, unpredictable behavior may make everyone around them a little leery. Rein it in, Scorpios, so you’re ready to meet whatever comes Halloween night!

Aging with ATT-i-tude Platitude  
Aging is letting go of who you were yesterday, coming to terms with who you are today, and reinventing yourself with every tomorrow. ~ LinDee Rochelle; founder, 39 and Holding Club.

Don’t wait, start now! Happy UN-Birthday OCTOBER 39ers: This one’s for you, kids – Ron, Darlene, Cheryl, Kim, Tammy, Lin and Terry!
Chat on Twitter: @39HoldingClub

Are you a 39er this month? Feel free to share your UN-birthday comments below (click on Comments or if it says No Comments, click that to be the first) and tell us how you really feel about your age and aging. Keep the stories coming!

LinDee Rochelle is a writer and editor by trade, and author by way of Rock & Roll. She has published two books (of three) in her Blast from Your Past series, available on Amazon (eBook and print): Book 1Rock & Roll Radio DJs: The First Five Years 1954-1959; and Book 2Rock & Roll Radio DJs: The Swinging Sixties. Coming soon … The Psychedelic Seventies!

Note: FYI – All links in the 39AHC site are personally visited, verified, and vetted. Most are linked to commonly accessed sites of reputable note. However, as with everything cyber-security, use at your own discretion. Holiday calendar info and links accessed and enjoyed at
