Saturday, February 1, 2025

39ers Aging with ATTitude February 2025

We’re Lovin’ Love & Keepin’ It Real!

Happy UN-Birthday February 39ers!

♪ And many more… ♪ You know I’m going to be late … no apologies, 39ers, but please know I’m working on another fun, interesting post for you. As always, we’ll celebrate birthdays of the month, this time for Aquarius and Pisces. Along with moon phases, we’ll welcome Extraterrestrial Culture Day, National Hippo Day and of course, it’s the Love Month! So much more coming soon … C’mon back!

 Happy UN-Birthday 39ers ~ FEBRUARY 2025 ~ Love is in the Air!  

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Celebrate 39 & Holding Day
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Thursday, January 2, 2025

39ers Aging with ATTitude January 2025

Start the New Year with a Laugh in the Rain 

Happy UN-Birthday January 39ers! ♪ And many more… ♪ I’m not gonna lie … I’m on the “elder” side of 39 and Holding. Those of us who are, likely have a different take on life than those who recently turned 40. However, we still share commonalities, like love of family and friends.

You’re never too old or too young to continue or begin your list of legacy items … what are those and why do you need to list them? Even the most austere and die-hard minimalists have at least one item that is dear to you and will likely act as a legacy. By my age, I have way more of those than I can count!

But I urge you to create a list (dated and periodically updated) of those items to keep with your important documents. Making them more than just a “living legacy” (since we know possessions change fairly often), make a description section to tell why it is important to you, and if there is a monetary value, how much it might be worth. Trust me, your family or friends who are left to sort through your life, will appreciate this special touch, directly from your heart. 

That said, I hope you had a wonderful Holiday Season, and still feel the glow as we step into the New Year, with confidence and purpose.

My purpose was, of course, to be on time with this monthly article—for a change. Ahem … so much for that resolution. I’ve worked to shake the Holiday cobwebs from my brain and focus on the shiny, bright New Year before us … let’s do it!

Now, on to something ostensibly mundane, but sooooo important in today’s New World Order. This is your official “AI” notice for the New Year: The 39 And Holding Club site (and soon to be just 39 And Holding (finally able to buy the primary cliché’s “.com” domain!) has never and will never (knowingly) be written or assisted, by Artificial Intelligence. It’s just stupid ol’ “I” and I enjoy writing these articles. They soothe my soul. So why would I hand that indulgence over to an artificial, soulless entity that can’t feel pleasure?! And away we go …

֎ Celebrating JANUARY 39ers ~ And More! 

We’re gonna have a fun start to the New Year, from “Laughter in the Rain,” to an Irish New Year Toast, to National Soup Month! But first … the stars of this month’s show …

For 39ers who Follow the Stars  
Both Capricorn and Aquarius need to know that the January 13th Cancer Full Moon shows its strength throughout the month and reminds us to focus on our well-being, first and foremost. In, however, uniquely different ways.

Capricorn (12/22-01/19/25) 39ers might feel the need to reevaluate their relationships, both personal and business. Something needs to change, but only you know which may be in jeopardy. Things will likely come to a head by the Full Moon, and you’ll know which path is the way forward for 2025. The New Moon on the 29th is full of promises for a new venture you’ve been wanting to try or an enhancement to your lifestyle. Make the most of it! 

Lifestyle improvements are on this month’s horizon for Aquarius (01/20-02/18) 39ers, as well. Again, the Full Moon plays a big part in these changes, but don’t be in a hurry. Take time to look inward and discover what has been “off” in your life. This need to change will follow you through the month to the New Moon, when you’ll finally recognize the best path forward for your New Year. It can be transformational! 

January Vintage Song of Note  
A sweet tune of love and laughter is a great way to begin the New Year. Now, and back in 1975 when
Neil Sedaka made “Laughter in the Rain” a top tune, sitting at KPOI/Hawai’i’s #5 chart spot. It’s this month’s vintage Song of Note, joyfully cooing, Oo, I hear laughter in the rain | Walking hand in hand with the one I love ... 

Composed by Sedaka, lyrics were the brainchild of Phil Cody, who recalled how an inspiration finally unlocked his writer’s block. A short snooze under a tree on a sunny day, aided by just a tad of a doobie, was all he needed ... more tuneful tidbits to manifest your memories and keep the Rock Rockin’ from 50 Years Ago this Month! 

֎ More JANUARY Fun for Everyone  

Ya know, I saw something the first week of January that mentioned the phrase “over the hill,” as if it were a bad thing. Since beginning this odyssey of “39 and Holding,” I’ve thought of “over the hill” as enduring the uphill battle to 40 years and from now on, it’s all downhill! Wheeeeeee!
       Ah yes, the perennial child within. As far as I’m concerned, we’re never too old to have fun. If you’re reading this, then you likely have the same philosophy. With that in mind, let’s see what January mischief we can get into …

If you’re not quite ready for mischief this month, just make yourself a nice bowl of soup on a cold winter’s day, and celebrate National Soup Month! There is no link to a sponsor, but that doesn’t stop me from finding a few terrific homemade soup recipes for you! Mmmmm. Now that we’re fortified …

Left on my own without a supporting link, I choose to interpret Self-Love Month as an opportunity for 39ers to review how you think about yourself and if you’re really giving yourself enough credit for all that you do.           
       As we age, it’s easy to lose yourself in family, work, and life in general. We’ve seen in recent years how our world—locally and globally—can spin itself in a different direction in a heartbeat. This is a good time to reflect on aging and how your present life and those around you, will affect the future you.
NPR recently published an interesting article about ageism and wrestling with stereotypical behavior in yourself and others. “Experts say that fighting ageism isn't only important to create an equitable and fair society, it also helps all of us live longer, healthier — even more fulfilling — lives.”
       And the
Population Reference Bureau gives us a fascinating fact to think about: “In 25 years, almost a quarter of Americans will be over the age of 65.” That’s a lot to chew on!

Monday ~ January 13th: Look up! We’re ready to embrace the magic of January’s Full Wolf Moon! We may try to hibernate this month and just enjoy our hot, yummy soup, but just like the wolves who howl to meet up with their pack-mates, or coordinate their food foraging, we should use this Full Moon to communicate beyond the obligatory Holiday chats. Much can be gained from honest conversations and sincere discussions. Don’t worry about timing … reminds us, “Traditionally, each full Moon name was applied to the entire lunar month in which it occurred, not just to the full Moon itself.” So feel free to spread its enchantment through the whole month!

Thursday ~ January 16th: If that’s a lot of serious stuff and your Inner Child is bored, take a break and fly! It’s Appreciate a Dragon Day! If you’re a reader at all, chances are you’ve read a book or two with a cool or even frightening dragon. My Inner Child recalls the dragon-laden fairytales of yore with wide-eyed glee. Just a couple: The Dragon and His Grandmother (aka, The Devil and His Grandmother), Grimm’s Fairy Tales, c.1812-1858; and The Prince and the Dragon  (The Crimson Fairy Book, edited by Andrew Lang, c.1903).    
       Even as an adult, I loved the Eragon series! (Christopher Paolini) Dragon Day’s sponsoring link is pretty cool too, with fun and meaningful dragon names—use ‘em for your fictional writing or make a suggestion to an expecting mom! Like, did you know, “Aiden” means “little fire” in the Celtic language? Coincidentally, the Celts’ mythology inspired “Pendragon,” meaning “chief dragon.” Have fun!

Friday ~ January 17th: Although a man instrumental to our freedoms and still evident in our lives today, was born on this day in 1706 (d.1790), few recognize Benjamin Franklin Day. Someone took the trouble to establish the day, but it’s abandoned without a sponsor. So let me offer a reminder just how instrumental Mr. Franklin was—without ever becoming president.
      He “… promoted public services in Philadelphia, including a library, a fire department, a hospital, an insurance company, and an academy that became the University of Pennsylvania. … His inventions include the Franklin stove and bifocal spectacles, and his experiments helped pioneer the understanding of electricity.” That’s just for starters. Oh yeah, he was also the first postmaster general and an author of the
U.S. Declaration of Independence. 

Wednesday ~ January 29th: New Moon Musings coming late in the month simply helps us prep for February. Take advantage of the upcoming Aquarius energy and celebrate the month’s New Beginnings, applying your New Moon Musings for an early fresh start. It could help you find yourself in the right place at just the right time. And we know, timing is everything    

I have turned 39 and Holding too any times to believe in resolutions anymore … however, I do believe in reevaluating my life at the beginning of a New Year to acknowledge what’s working and what isn’t. And no matter my age, I know darn well, I don’t know a darn thing, compared to all that is available to us for continued learning.
       To further my horizons, one site I will be exploring more in the next month or so, is AARP’s Their online and in-person community learning courses include how to make a website, tech tips, how to use Zoom, and of course, fitness and wellness, just to name a few. And, they have a social platform for Seniors … I’ll be taking a close look at that. If your interest is piqued and you check it out, let me know your thoughts! (And no, I don't get paid for advertising ...) 

Back to some January fun … a couple of Irish New Year toasts:
May your troubles be less
| And your blessings be more | And nothing but happiness come through your door
And a personal favorite: Though Dunghills rise and castles fall | we are all equal one and all.

39AHC Public Service Announcement: And, since it’s January 8th and this article is only now posted, I must say, that last sentiment is particularly appropriate in the light of our SoCal wildfires streaking like a Banshee through thousands of homes in Los Angeles County and beyond. “Firefighters are battling five separate brush fires at once, all of which were at zero containment as of Wednesday afternoon local time.” (ABC News)  
       It doesn’t matter how rich you are, if you’re struggling to pay the bills, or if you’re a sinner or a saint. When a fire (or any natural disaster) rips through what little or a lot that you have, it’s devastating and forever life-changing. My heart and prayers go out to the families of the two people who have already died and the more than 1,000 people who have lost their homes … as of this writing (4:14p.m.PST) … and a lifetime of personal treasures in just one of the five blazing fires—and there is still zero containment. Search, “how to help ca wildfire victims january 2025” for a host of results that you might consider.  

֎ Aging with ATT-i-tude Platitude 
Whether you’re just turning 40 or have seen many New Years past 39 and Holding, don’t make resolutions … make preparations. Cheers to your best year ever. ~ L. Rochelle 

Happy UN-Birthday 39ers ~ JANUARY 2025 ~ Happy New Year! 
       This one’s for you, kids – Reneé, Erin, Chris, Jodie and Joe!  

Join the 39 & Holding Club
Celebrate 39 & Holding Day
Chat on Twitter: 


And dear readers, I just want you to know that I try my best to create an informative, aesthetically creative article for you each month. However, Blogger is not a professional hosting site—but they’re free through Google. So we’re stuck with their crummy platform that doesn’t work well to manipulate images with writing, if you aren’t a techie who knows HTML. Trust me, I’ve tried for years to write articles without gaps between paragraphs and even between sentences. Sigh. Maybe I’ll win the lottery and be able to afford a professional hosting site someday. Cheers!

LinDee Rochelle is a writer and editor by trade, and author by way of Rock & Roll. She has published two books (of three) in her Blast from Your Past series, available on Amazon: Book 1 (currently eBook only, until updated) – Rock & Roll Radio DJs: The First Five Years 1954-1959; and Book 2 (eBook, print & color!) – Rock & Roll Radio DJs: The Swinging Sixties. Coming soon … The Psychedelic Seventies!

*Important Message: Any data, links, or opinions on this site are for your information only and does not constitute legal or medical expertise of any kind. My proficiency is writing and sensible reporting. Period. All links have been vetted, but as always, please use all data, links, or my skewed opinions at your own risk.Are you a 39er this month? Welcome to the 39 and Holding Club! Feel free to share your UN-birthday comments below (click on Comments or if it says No Comments, click that to be the first) and tell us how you really feel about your age and aging. Keep the stories coming!

<><><><>39ers RULE<><><><>


Sunday, December 1, 2024

39ers Aging with ATTitude DECEMBER 2024

It’s the Holidays! I See Your Inner Child Jumping Up-‘n’-Down   

Happy UN-Birthday December 39ers! ♪ And many more… ♪ No matter your age, the Holidays makes everything sparkle and even the grumpiest of us will find something to smile about …. your Inner Child will see to it. Yes, even when they’re disgracefully late posting this article.

Happy Holidays! As we streak through Christmas and New Year’s Eve, I’m hoping this humble article will give you a good time, too, while we applaud Sagittarius and Capricorn 39ers, and join everyone in Holiday spirit to make the final month of 2024 a fun one! 

֎ Celebrating DECEMBER 39ers ~ And More!
What are you looking forward to most … Holiday parties, Christmas movies, festive, fun shopping, or a bright, shiny New Year? Whatever you do, make sure to find a few minutes for yourself—meditate, ruminate, and celebrate! 

For 39ers who Follow the Stars  
For nearly all signs, December is likely to be confusing or at least hold a bit of stop-start action until mid-month. And though the Full Moon is always the most dynamic day, look this month for a fun, double-new-moon! Check out the details below. But first …

       Don’t look so serious, Sagittarius (11/22-12/21)! At least not yet. From the very first day of December, make time to consider reinventing yourself for 2025. You can make the moves now, but implementing them will be infinitely easier in the latter part of the month, or even better in January. Although new opportunities may appear in business, the stars are hoping you’ll apply most of your innovations to yourself. A new year is nigh—give it a new you to enjoy!
Catching a few winks at work, Capricorn (12/22-01/19/25)? You might want to wake up and reflect on the other end of our starry Zodiac spectrum. You, m’dear Capricorns, should turn your attention to your professional life and specifically, money management. Is there a need to review at home or at work? Could be a few adjustments need to be made and/or a compromise to consider.

December Vintage Song of Note 
For our final Song of Note from a vintage 1974 Rock Radio survey, I considered two tunes from the Top Ten first—“When Will I See You Again” by The Three Degrees—totally fun for an iconic, synchronized girl group (#3/KPOI); and “Life is a Rock” by Reunion who uttered the only recognizable words, “… but the radio rolled me,” and moved up the chart to #10, despite its annoying “patter.” 
       Both admirable tunes, but I wandered further down the chart to find a rising Holiday star in Chicago’s “Wishing You Were Here.” Regardless the time of year, it’s a wonderful, wistful sentiment to a loved one. This song in particular, made longtime friends of Chicago band members and The Beach Boys’ Al Jardine, Carl Wilson and Dennis Wilson, who joined the band with harmonies in the original recording.
       That collaboration resulted in the “Beachago” tour the following year. Singer/songwriter, Peter Cetera said recently (2016), “I always wanted to be a Beach Boy.” Were you there? Then you were hereEven though you're far away, you're on my mind | Ooo ooo ooo, wishing you were here More tuneful tidbits to manifest your memories of 1974, and keep the Rock Rockin’ from 50 Years Ago this Month! 

֎ More DECEMBER Fun for Everyone  

*Sunday ~ December 1st: Up first and foremost let’s celebrate year’s end New Moon! Your New Moon Musings will help you wind up 2024 and look to fresh opportunities for 2025! Okay, the 1st New Moon has already passed by the time you read this, but there are always opportunities for New Beginnings with New Moon Musings, giving you a boost and fresh start every month—regardless of when in the month it appears—because this month, you get a chance!  If you missed the 1st’s New Moon opportunity to meditate, no worries! There’s a rare, second December New Moon on the 30th! Check it out with a quick scroll …  

Saturday ~ December 7th: Is of course, National Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day. Although it passed before I could post this article and there is no sponsoring link, I found the official US Department of Defense link and will still pay homage to my Dad, who fought as a Navy seaman in WWII. He always told me that his ship arrived after the Pearl Harbor bombing, but I’ve recently learned that he was likely sparing me the horrendous details of his experiences, as his ship was nearer and played a larger part, than he led me to believe. It is, indeed, a day that has lived in infamy … [Image: Seamen aboard USS Meriwether, 1944.] 

Tuesday ~ December 10th: Wait! Stop! Now—GO! Keep your eyes on the road, it’s International Traffic Light Day. That is, for the original, non-electric signal. Yep, they were initiated even before electricity could be installed on a wide basis. Our traffic lights actually have a very interesting history. Take a minute (not while you’re driving, silly) to peruse the sponsoring site. And show respect when you come to a street light.

Thursday ~ December 14th: So, this is not only Gingerbread House Day but Gingerbread Decorating Day! Although neither special designation has a link, here we go … take your pick … house or cookies?! DIY Gingerbread Houses that are tasty and tasteful. Or, for on-the-go partiers, yummy and easy Gingerbread Cookies! Most recipes are interchangeable for houses and cookies, but it’s the mindset … what are you in the mood to bake while filling the house with the aromas of Christmas? Have fun and enjoy the yum. 

Sunday ~ December 15th: Are you ready for the final Full Cold Moon Magic of 2024? Take a few minutes to look up tonight and welcome the moon’s shimmering glow as it ushers us into a bright New Year. Make your meditation especially meaningful to give it the umph we need for the dawn of 2025. It’s up to you to round up your thoughts, review the year, and determine the New Year’s profound influence on your life. The Full Cold Moon is perfect for a mini-hibernation, a warm blanket, and a philosophical day. Don’t forget the hot cocoa!

Saturday ~ December 21st: After a rejuvenating Full Cold Moon, give the Winter Solstice (4:21am EST; 1:21am PST) its due! Technically, it only lasts for a moment, as the Earth continues to spin, but we can celebrate it for the whole day. If you’re not near one of the six ancient sites to view it, like Stonehenge, (Wiltshire, England), search webcams like the one at Newgrange, Ireland, to get the awe-inspiring effect. Of course, it is the shortest day of the year, so make the most of it, and though it will be dark earlier, we can look forward to brighter days from now on!

Tuesday ~ December 24th: Why, it’s Christmas Eve of course! The final day before much-anticipated Christmas, often coming with a sneak preview, pre-Christmas gift or other festive custom. Though Christmas Eve religiously anticipates the birth of Jesus Christ, the festivities of this month truly pre-date even that revered time. Whatever your traditions, enjoy! 

Wednesday ~ December 25th: I can hear your Inner Child clapping with glee! It’s finally Christmas Day! Whether you celebrate in the custom of ancient Christianity, or for the secular pleasures that bring simple joys, there is no denying the power of Christmas charm. Some folks combine both, the aura of Christ’s birth with the pure joy of fun, all in one day. Have fun at this site, if you’re looking for a new tradition to introduce to family and friends. It’s all good! 

*Monday ~ December 30th: Another New Moon! Cool … did you miss the New Moon on December 1st? Well, ya know how, now and again, we get a once-in-a-full Blue Moon? Well, THIS is a Black New Moon! Personally, I would have called it a Silver Moon, which is a simple way of scrambling “sliver” of a moon, but “Black” is likely more accurate, as we can’t really see it, anyway. It doesn’t occur often, so whatever you think of it, take this as a celestial boost to your ambitions for the New Year.   

Tuesday ~ December 31st: Hallelujah! It’s New Years Eve 2024! It’s party time! Are you ready for sparkles and confetti?! Even if I don’t have a party to get silly at, I am comfortable at home with my bottle of wine and sweet cakes to munch on, while I give final reflections on 2024 and plan my life for 2025. How about you? If your December was hectic, leaving no time for meditation, take a few moments before you raise your champagne glass, to reflect, rejoice and rejuvenate!

And from me to you … Thank you for reading my 39 and Holding Club articles this year and let’s look forward to 2025 with hope, love, and peace, in heart, mind, and soul. Most of all, 39ers, never lose touch with your Inner Child.

֎ Aging with ATT-i-tude Platitude 
39ers can talk in vintage clichés, song titles, snippets of lyrics, and old TV dialogue quotes—and never have to utter another original thought. J ~ L. Rochelle 

Happy UN-Birthday 39ers ~ DECEMBER 2024 ~ Merry Christmas!
       This one’s for you, kids – Alexis, Linda, Ken and Kevin!  

Join the 39 & Holding Club
Celebrate 39 & Holding Day
Chat on Twitter: 


And dear readers, I just want you to know that I try my best to create an informative, aesthetically creative article for you each month. However, Blogger is not a professional hosting site—but they’re free through Google. So we’re stuck with their crummy platform that doesn’t work well to manipulate images with writing, if you aren’t a techie who knows HTML. Trust me, I’ve tried for years to write articles without gaps between paragraphs and even between sentences. Sigh. Maybe I’ll win the lottery and be able to afford a professional hosting site someday. Cheers!

LinDee Rochelle is a writer and editor by trade, and author by way of Rock & Roll. She has published two books (of three) in her Blast from Your Past series, available on Amazon: Book 1 (currently eBook only, until updated) – Rock & Roll Radio DJs: The First Five Years 1954-1959; and Book 2 (eBook, print & color!) – Rock & Roll Radio DJs: The Swinging Sixties. Coming soon … The Psychedelic Seventies!

*Important Message: Any data, links, or opinions on this site are for your information only and does not constitute legal or medical expertise of any kind. My proficiency is writing and sensible reporting. Period. All links have been vetted, but as always, please use all data, links, or my skewed opinions at your own risk.

Are you a 39er this month? Welcome to the 39 and Holding Club! Feel free to share your UN-birthday comments below (click on Comments or if it says No Comments, click that to be the first) and tell us how you really feel about your age and aging. Keep the stories coming!

<><><><>39ers RULE<><><><>