Yep, we UN-do birthdays here. So let’s UNwrap another year, and enjoy at
least ONE day of non-stop fun. OK, well, I tend to party the whole month away,
but maybe that's just me.
Birthdays are important. Not because we're a year older—it’s a great day to reflect, rejoice, and rejuvenate. Join us at 39 and Holding where we’re forever young—with ATT-i-tude! HAPPY BIRTHDAY 39ers!
Let’s explore your UN-birthday SEPTEMBER 2017 ...
Hmmmm ... this page doesn't seem to want to update. I'll keep trying, but no promises. In the meantime, the August 39er article is here ...
August 39ersCelebrate Dog Days of Summer
Birthdays are important. Not because we're a year older—it’s a great day to reflect, rejoice, and rejuvenate. Join us at 39 and Holding where we’re forever young—with ATT-i-tude! HAPPY BIRTHDAY 39ers!
Let’s explore your UN-birthday SEPTEMBER 2017 ...
Hmmmm ... this page doesn't seem to want to update. I'll keep trying, but no promises. In the meantime, the August 39er article is here ...
August 39ersCelebrate Dog Days of Summer

July 39ers Celebrate the
Isn’t it cool that everybody
celebrates your birth month, July 39ers?! Well, ok, many are partying for
Independence Day—and then we’ll party on ‘til Labor Day—but hey, your “liberated
youth” is worth a toast too!
So CHEERS to your UN-birthday 39ers,
as we go red-white-and-blue for the rest of the summer.
39 Years Ago this Month ~ July 1978
![]() |
Yep, the picture disc is in my collection. |
– Peter Frampton may have experienced
second thoughts about starring in a Beatles-related music film without The Beatles; even though the venerable
Bee Gees provided the
soundtrack. Sgt.
Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band debuted to vicious reviews and low box
office sales. Nevertheless, it’s fondly remembered thirty-nine years later,
along with the original Beatles
album of the same name, celebrating its 50th year (1967).
25th – We
celebrated the birth of our nation at the beginning of the month, and just a
few weeks later, scientists celebrated the birth of Louise
Brown, the world’s first test tube baby (IVF). Welcome, Louise, to
the 39 and Holding
For 39ers who Follow the Stars …
July’s gemstone via the American Gem Society is
celebrated as the royal Ruby, but … “In 1912,
in an effort to standardize birthstones, the (American) National Association of
Jewelers met in Kansas and officially adopted a list.” (Wiki)

Based on all the info, I’m for
wearing, buying, enjoying, whatever floats your boat!
Aging with ATT-i-tude Platitude
To keep the heart unwrinkled, to be hopeful, kindly, cheerful,
reverent* ...
that is to triumph over old age.
~ Thomas
Bailey Aldrich;1836 – 1907, author The
Story of a Bad Boy. [*And sometimes mischievously irreverent 😉]

# # #
Smile June 39ers! Makes ‘em Wonder
What You’re Up to …
Every UN-birthday month is special
at 39AHC, but this month is
especially fun as we celebrate with a celebrated cool cat … the Cheshire
Cat? Nah, it’s Garfield* and his sh*t-eatin’ grin …
6th: Drive-in Movie Day.
Um, Boomers will be the only ones who know why that’s a “day.” :-)
16th: Grease
debuted! Though the drive-in was in decline by the late ‘70s, it’s still
possible you chose the passion pit to get cozy with your honey and enjoy John
Travolta and Olivia Newton-John doing the same.

For 39ers who Follow the Stars …

Look to Gemini for clever party
options. Quick thinkers and inquisitive, you can count on them for festive ways
to connect with friends and family. While the latter part of June, finds the
stalwart Cancer nurturing party-goer headaches as the Zodiac’s loyal and loving
Aging with ATT-i-tude Platitude
Some day you will be old enough to start reading fairy tales
C. S. Lewis,1898
– 1963; author, Chronicles of Narnia (at the age of
# # #
First of Many Merry Mays

This is the moment you when you’ve
accrued enough wisdom and knowledge to pursue your lifelong passion, or
discover the passion that will enhance the rest of your life!
39 Years Ago this Month ~ MAY 1978
Rock & Roll movies made a big
splash heading into summer, the year you first-time 39ers were born. Do the rest of you remember …
13th: even
beating out The Beatles for a while, Barry Gibb’s
prolific songwriting passion finally paid off. He climbed the music charts to become
the only songwriter to grab
Billboard’s top spot with four consecutive #1 singles. Barry eventually
expanded that to six #1 tunes, and shares the record with Lennon and McCartney. He kinda had
a push up the charts—it all started on a Saturday night in December 1977.
18th: more movie magic came in the release of The Buddy Holly Story, starring Gary Busey.
It picked up the Academy Award (1979)
for Best Music and several more;
and solidified Gary as a bona fide major Hollywood player, in his nomination
for Best Actor in a Leading Role. Doesn’t it seem to you that the best movies
include Rock & Roll??
31st: National
Senior Health & Fitness Day – I know, I know, you newbies don’t want to be
called “senior” yet. However, if you’ve been sedentary in the past couple of
years, it’s time to get moving. Love this year’s theme: With Movement… There’s Improvement. And that’s especially true for you 39ers who have had ATT-i-tude 39 for a couple-ten-years-or-more.
For 39ers who Follow the Stars …

Aging with ATT-i-tude Platitude
What’s the point of eating healthy and exercising? Who wants
to live to be 89?
Response: Someone who’s 88.
~ From
BBC television series, Midsomer Murders,
Season3, Episode 3: “Blue Herrings”
# # #
April ATT-i-tudes - Like a Diamond in the Sky
12th – Walk on Your Wild Side Day: It’s been declared by somebody … no one seems to know
who, but I’m all for it! What can you do this day … month … year … that is just
a tad out of your comfort zone? Need a nudge? Try an offbeat daily excursion in
your town or city. Here’s a list for Los Angeles … Wheeeeeeee!
24th - International Sauvignon Blanc Day: Join The Wine Club Group
in celebrating a celebrated grape! Don’t know much about it? All you need to know … and then some. Yum … I’ll drink to that! And if you couple it
with your new Wild Side … check out how much fun grape stomping can
be. :-) (Yep, you Boomers know where the link goes … LU-CY!)
39 Years Ago this Month ~ APRIL 1978

While Annie stole our hearts, April
22nd captured our funny bones. The Blues Brothers rocked onto the Saturday Night Live stage for their first appearance on the
iconic show (back when it truly Rocked!).
For 39ers who Follow the Stars …
Aries (March 21st –
April 19th) turns its spirited back on us in mid-month, reality-based
Taurus (April 20th – May
20th) picks up the slack to guide us into the rites of spring.

for birthday gifts? Red permeates the Aries psyche, whether they know it or
not; and of course, Earth green … for Earth Day on the 22nd …
falls into Taurus’s earthy spectrum. But it’s the clarity of the lustrous diamond
that will capture the attention of both, as April’s gemstone.
Aging with ATT-i-tude Platitude
Age is something that doesn’t matter, unless you are a
Luis Buñuel Portolés; Spanish filmmaker, 1900-1983.
Cheese and wine can age, but for 39ers … Age is a number … LIFE is ATT-i-tude!TM
# # #
Dancing the March Jig!

This adorable
two-year-old girl proves Irish music is irresistible!
Being a former dancer, I watched this clip four times. Little Georgia is just
too cute, joining an Irish dancer on the streets of Galway.
March Moods:

22nd – As Young as
You Feel Day: And finally we come to a “holiday” near and dear to 39ers. As Young as You Feel Day should be heartily celebrated!
We’ve adopted it—and the delightful vintage movie
with the same name, as our official day
and entertainment activity, to enjoy the age we feel in our hearts …
Take a minute and enjoy some history
trivia to learn
what VERY famous actress was catapulted to stardom with this movie!
Now that I have your attention, March 39ers, let’s get on with your
39 Years Ago this Month ~ March 1978
The California Jam II
was in full swing March 18th at the Ontario Motor Speedway in SoCal.
More than 350,000 screamin’ fans celebrated Rock & Roll and the month of
March with Aerosmith,
Foreigner, Ted Nugent, and oh, so many more. Were you there? Rock On!
Pensive Pisces (Feb 19-Mar 20) and airy Aries 39ers (21st thru April 19th) are proud to
march through the month to their own drumbeat.
Pisces m’dears, try not
to take on everyone else’s pain while you empathize with the world’s woes.
Lighten up—it’s your month to party!
Audacious and valiant Aries—you’re always ready to grab the
bull by the horns. You can’t be faulted for that, ‘cause it nearly always leads
to success. Party On!
We don't stop playing because we grow old; we grow old
because we stop playing.
~ George
Bernard Shaw; Irish literary
Critic, Playwright and Essayist. 1925 Nobel Prize for Literature, 1856-1950. [Quotes.]
One thing we Irish know, is how to
play! Play like there’s no tomorrow ... because Age is a number … LIFE is ATT-i-tude!TM
# # #
It’s true—I’ve been neglecting 39 and Holding Club a bit. Not out of
true negligence, but from overwork, as I finish a book for its Big Bro site, Blast from Your Past.
If you’re a February 39er, the color gods paint you in a kaleidoscope of hues—early
Feb Aquarian Water-bearers
(Jan 20-Feb 18), can dip into the pool of your moods, with turquoise green,
bright blue, or purple.
# # #
Happy New Year 39ers!
It’s the end of the first week of January—so much for one resolution I made—to be more timely with my posts …
It’s good that earthy Capricorns take us
into the New Year ( Dec 22-Jan 19; like 39AHC
birthday gal, Erin, right). Their stable, determined ways help us focus after we’ve
picked up the party plates.
Have a Capricorn friend? Good person
to discuss your future with—they’ll support you, while playing Devil’s Advocate
to help you avoid the coming year’s pitfalls.
December 2016 39ers, For Old Time’s Sake*
Dang … December’s going by before I
can even catch my breath from the Thanksgiving feasting. Stop! Let’s not sing Auld Lang Syne just
yet. First we need to celebrate December 39ers!
I’m Late! For a Very Important Date
in February

Writing a book is a monumental
project that fairly consumes the author, to the point of hibernation.
Which brings me to February’s Birthday
Deep into our winter hibernation,
far away from summer fun and frolic, we must stir and pop open an eye to party
with our fave Aquarians and Pisceans. Before we go forward, let’s
explore past happenings …
39 Years Ago this Month ~ February
Though the Psychedelic Era of
love and enlightenment began to follow the tide out to sea in 1978, China
jumped on the loving bandwagon this month 39
years ago, as it finally admitted to its people’s love for classic
literature. February 11th marks the anniversary of the release of China’s ban on
works by Aristotle, Shakespeare, and the beloved British novelist, Charles
Dickens. Sheesh. About time. And, February
7th marks ol’ Charlie’s birthday! So he was an Aquarian too …
For 39ers who Follow the Stars …

Walking through the sands of time
with Pisces Fish (Feb 19-Mar
20), all shades of green keep you cool. (Not a red heart in sight.)
And though there are other noble
reasons to commemorate February along with Cupid—World Radio Day (13th),
Presidents’ Day (20th),
and Marijuana Awareness Month—for
the 39 and Holding Club, February 14th is also
“Grandpa” Jack Benny Day!
Why do we care? Why … he’s the reason
we’re here.
~ Shakespeare,
2 Henry IV 3.4.283
Ah, m’dear February 39ers, BUT … Love
does not require performance, it only
needs a look, a touch, and a kiss. (Yours truly.)
# # #
Happy New Year 39ers!
It’s the end of the first week of January—so much for one resolution I made—to be more timely with my posts …
Forgive me, as we revise our goals
for the year, after the champagne has worn off and we come face-to-face with
reality. How about if I pledge to post before the 10th of the month? 😉
More than any other time of the
year, January holds the unique distinction of personal power
to seriously change our lives. In this month, we’re conditioned to review the
past and consider the future—and dive into the New Year accordingly.
When it comes down to it, it’s all
about ATT-i-tude! What you do from this day
forward is a result of your ATT-i-tude about what went before and what awaits
you. Love it—live it.
39 Years Ago this Month ~ January 1978
We’re still movin’ an’ groovin’ to
December’s leftover Holiday mojo. In fact, as Saturday Night Fever gains cult status, we keep its soundtrack at the top of the
radio music charts ‘til sum—sum—summertime!
Notable notes 39 Years Ago this Month: The Great Blizzard of 1978 pounded the Ohio Valley and Great Lakes regions. Let’s not have a
And, while “Stayin’ Alive” had staying power at #3 on San Diego’s B-100 radio survey at month’s
end, it was a two-fer that showed ATT-i-tude at the top of the chart—Queen’s “We Will Rock You” and “We Are the Champions”!
Great way to start the year—let’s do it again!
For 39ers who Follow the Stars …

When we slide into the mid-month
post-Holiday doldrums, luckily, airy Aquarius (Jan 20-Feb
18) is there to brighten up the horizon. Intellectually stimulating, with a
flair for fun, Aquarius will add sunshine to your dark, stormy winter days. But
don’t match up Aquarians with Capricorns—they clash in the cosmos!
The human race has one really effective weapon, and that is laughter ~ Mark Twain.
So true, Mr. Twain (Samuel Clemens, 1835-1910). And nothing so aging as a frown.
Turn that frown upside down, and let’s
get on with the year!
# # #

39 Years Ago this Month ~ December
December 1 – Were
you watching the debut of Nickelodeon when it launched as The Pinwheel Network? Do you recall
there were NO ads until 1984? Ah, the good ol’ days!

December 14 –
But here’s the milestone you’ve been waiting for since November! Before there
was Dirty Dancing (1987) or Dancing with the Stars (2005), there was
John Travolta swaggering and dancing into
our fantasies and movie history with Saturday Night Fever! The Bee Gees gave him rhythm and by New Year’s Eve
1977 we weren’t singing Auld Lang Syne, baby! We ushered in the New Year warbling,
“Whether you're a brother or whether
you're a mother |You're Stayin' Alive … ah, ah, ah! ♪
For 39ers who Follow the Stars …
While we’re all scrambling to wind up
the year, poor December birthday babes are often left in the dust of Holiday
shopping and New Year's plans. Awwwww,
poor leftover Sags and ignored newborn Caps!
Take heart December 39ers—we love ya! Let’s party hearty right now!
Just like a riff from Billy Gibbons’ Rockin’ guitar, Sagittarius crashes with an explosive
crescendo into the month that marks an exciting, definitive year-end, and leads
into the promising New Year's beginning, with Capricorn.

![]() |
Keep Moving 39ers! |
Dick Van Dyke soft shoes his way
into his 91st year (Dec. 13) as a Sag, and Ryan Seacrest jumps to 42, celebrating Capricorn style
with Santa on Christmas Eve.
Christmas Day we peek under the tree
and unwrap three of our fave Caps: “Changes in Latitudes, Changes in ATT-I-TUDES”’ Jimmy Buffett at a spry 70, along with actress Sissy Spacek (67), and
singer-songwriter Annie Lennox (62).
Let’s Rock the Holidays!
December Aging with ATT-i-tude Platitude
You’re never too old to do goofy stuff! ~ Ward Cleaver, Leave it to Beaver TV show, 1957-1963. (Seriously, 39ers, a “throwback to cave man days.” 😉)
to Wiki, “The song's Scots title may be translated into standard English as
‘old long since,’ or more idiomatically, ‘long long ago,’ ‘days gone by’ or
‘old times.’ Consequently, ‘For auld lang syne,’ as it appears in the
first line of the chorus, might be loosely translated as ‘for (the sake of) old
# # #
November 39ers: Party and Plan with Purpose

November is a great month
for 39ers to usher in the Holiday
Season, as it begins with deep-thinking Scorpio,
and ends with the optimistic, party-hearty Sagittarians.
How can we not be optimistic, with shiny, festive Holiday ornaments and a brighter New Year on
the horizon? [Anything beats the doom-and-gloom of the past months, as we struggled
through an onerous election year!]
But finally, ‘tis the Season for fun
and folly! Whether your birthday falls in November
or December, we tend to treat both Holiday months as one big party. So is it
any wonder that by January 1, we’re exhausted and ready to settle down,
planning our goals and following our dreams?
For 39ers who Follow the Stars …

39 Years Ago this Month ~ November

By the latter half of the month, we
saw a historic meeting between Egyptian President Anwar Sadat and Israel’s
Prime Minister Menachem Begin, to forge a permanent peace settlement. Define permanent. For that matter, someone needs to properly
define Peace!
November 1977 also
brought us a connection between 3 ARPANET nodes that ultimately
lead the way to establishing the Internet protocol.
On the fun side, people were popping
out of cakes, The Godfather (1972)
topped Gone with the Wind
(1939) as the most popular TV movie, and Rolling Stone…The10th Anniversary TV special celebrated the venerable magazine’s first
decade—and I liked it better then, when it stuck to entertainment news.
In every generation, November is a month of thanks and
humble gratefulness, as it leads into the world’s most compassionate season of
the year.
This month, my dear November 39ers, be especially thankful
for what you have—not the material world of things, but in your heartfelt world—family
and friends, however many or few they may be. Each one, from the youngest to
the optimistic 39ers, deserves your appreciation.
# # #
Electing to Spice Up October 39ers!
In the immortal words of Nobel Prize
winner, Bob Dylan, “The Times They are a-Changin’”!

In recent years we’ve been blamed for everything from nuclear war to the millennials’ apathy. While we certainly had a hand in, and often led the
discussion on, many changes that have been made to this great country—good and
bad—we are hardly the sole proprietors of blame. (Rarely are we praised.)

We started the dialogue fifty years ago—we never said we’d finish it! Remember,
we were young in the beginning, and
we made some great inroads. But additional change needs to be fundamental—we are stifled in
antiquated laws and layers of politically correct BS.

The problem now, is once “out there”
these days, it NEVER goes away. As
Boomers, we’re likely to forget which planet we’re on—and you want us to recall
that we dissed you in 1969?! Talk about haunted. Memories, and the importance
of them, is highly subjective. Move on.
Unfortunately, humans are stupid.
However, change also comes with age.
Thank goodness. Or at least, it should
... the whole purpose of learning is to change, utilizing our newfound
information … right? Right?
The inexperienced and morally judgmental
young’uns are content to talk trash on Twitter and Instagram from the safety of
their favorite seat at Starbucks. I, for one, would have been thrilled to see a
younger, qualified person run for US
President this year. Thoughtful, innovative approaches and a willingness to collaborate for change, would have been
a breath of fresh air in the 2016 election field.
Alas, our youthful options were
nothing more than mini-Boomers, perpetuating outdated strategies, with no solutions
for inventive change. Once again we’re forced to vote for ineffectual pomposity
with alarming baggage, or the unknown with an opulent ego—take your pick.
So go ahead—blame us Boomers—we don’t
care anymore, we’re retired (or trying to be). But remember, you’ll be our age someday too, and
everyone will blame you.
Let’s turn back time …
Hey, I’m no politician and you didn’t
come here for a bitch session—something else we Boomers know—venting is OK, so long
as it’s civil. I’ll leap off my
soapbox now or rather, hobble off, and get on with your October UN-birthday fun.

If you’re a 39er a few times over, you know how much the Holiday Season has
changed since our parents were thirty-nine. My holidays,
for instance, smelled heavily of pumpkin—and not on just one festive day. My
mother was a baking fiend.

But the world has changed … nothing
is baked from “scratch,” and we’re way too busy to scoop out pumpkin meat and
pick out the seeds. We are resilient
and innovative, however, and still find ways to spice up the Holidays to suit
our lifestyles.
October 39ers know the value of
nostalgia and how to apply it in today’s world. Enjoy the moments … again!
39 Years Ago this Month ~ October
1977 …
October 10 –
Are you a Ronnie Milsap fan? Did you
watch his big year of CMA accolades? Ronnie took Album of the Year (Ronnie
Milsap Live), Entertainer of the Year, and Male Vocalist of the Year. Sweet.
October 20 – A moment
of silence for three members of the Lynyrd Skynyrd band who were
killed in a plane crash this day, along with their assistant road manager and
both pilots. Their music lives on!
October 28 - British
rock band Queen
releases the album News of the World and we became their Champions!
For 39ers who Follow the Stars …
UN-birthday buddies split their astro
time between Libra and Scorpio … You would think Libra’s (09/23 – 10/22) gentle sense of balance and order would
clash with Scorpio’s (10/23 – 11/21)
intense and pulsing passion. Au contraire,
mon cher. They thrive on each other’s qualities for a rollicking good time!
Libra: This month
heralds a whole year of great things happening for you! Look for the
opportunities and take your advantage.
Scorpio: Is it time to
get back to your exercise regimen? Start now—it’ll help ward off Holiday
sweets-gain! (P.S.: Finances may take an upward turn through mid-November.
October Aging with ATT-i-tude Platitude
Once you hit that 39 and Holding stage of life, there
will come a day when you begin to notice slight changes—a twinge in your back
for no reason, a true “mature” thought that came without effort, an intangible yearning
for inner peace.
From Better Living—“10 Ways to Stay Young”:
“A posture change is a common
symptom of age; the torso bends forward. Because we spend so much time sitting,
muscles that support the upper body weaken, so we sag forward at the hips.
Instead, concentrate on walking with your pelvis out and shoulders back; that
will make you look and feel younger.”

In an election year, “freedom” is bandied
about like a badminton birdie. But when you’ve celebrated more than a few 39 and Holding UN-birthdays, each day is another stride toward freedom within. It’s the liberty that truly
1) 2016 Nobel Prize/Literature
recipient, Bob Dylan, then (1964) and now, receiving US Medal of Freedom (2012)
2) Pumpkin face—Reader’s Digest image
# # #
September 39ers Rock into Fall!
Apologies to September 39ers
for a late post. I’m going with “better late than never.” I'd joke and say
we'll call it a ten-day hangover, but I know some of you would believe me! :-)
Maybe I'm trying to hold off the end-of-year-crunch a bit longer ...
This time of year holds birthdays for
many; a culmination of last winter’s friskiness. The end of this month also
signals the beginning of our “busy season,” as we head into the dual-emotional
beloved and detested holidays. (Shhh, I didn’t say Christmas, or even Halloween
yet, but I smell the pumpkin spice …)
The Zodiac realm celebrates Virgo’s perfectionism and Libra’s gentle sense of balance, both formidable and lovable … fairly
parallel to the Holidays, don’t you think?
Before we run headlong into turkey
legs and mistletoe
, this month is a great time to
reflect on the past eight months … or the last eight years … or all the
Septembers of your life … not only for our birthday buddies, but a thoughtful
practice for everyone.
Find some quiet time and meditate on
the year so far – this is your last chance to give it an overhaul in the
present, before it becomes the past, and portends your future.
Then … let’s PAR-tay!

September birthday friends can move
from negatively critical to insanely funny in a heartbeat. Perfect personality to
complement the hot and cold climates that dog our days through a month that
can’t decide if it’s part of summer or winter.

Try to Remember
(the kind of
September) that was your best September and make
it better!
UN-Birthday SEPTEMBER 39ers,
(Here’s lookin’ at you, kids – 39AHC
Birthday 39ers, Barb, Jennifer, Thomas, Chad, Scott & Verne!))
# # #
Feeling the heat August 39ers?

August was originally known as Sextilis
in Latin, and held
the sixth month place on the calendar until around 700BC (talk about confusing
the masses). But it wasn’t enough for Augustus to
establish the Roman Empire – his many triumphs inspired the powers that be to
rename and move Sextilis to the eighth month in commemoration of the month’s numerous
So Leos, wielding boisterous words
with a Gladiolus
stalk like the “sword lily” your birth month flower is, you can be sure to
command attention, taking your slice of summer life to the hilt.
Virgos seeking something a little
more sedate? Try a trip to Arizona for some Peridot hunting!
The desert is famous for its Peridot
gem quality.

OK, snap out of it – time to get on
with the month – and on with the party, August

# # #
July 39ers Sparkle in the Summer Sun!
Do you know a July 39er who’s a glittery “gem” in your circle of life? Of course,
all 39ers are
gems! But everyone seems to sparkle a little brighter during their birth month,
don’t you think?

Gemstones play a part in our lives
even if we don’t subscribe to the tenets of astrology.
A popular gift item over millennia, gems have touched us in many fascinating
Not only do gemstones symbolize our
birth month, but identify us even by different centuries, eras,and cultures. Take July’s resplendent ruby …
July’s gemstone via the American Gem Society is established as the royal Ruby, but
… “In 1912, in an effort to standardize birthstones, the (American) National
Association of Jewelers met in Kansas and officially adopted a list.” (Wiki)
Famed Tiffany & Co. even published poems of an “unknown
author" in an 1870 pamphlet, lionizing our birthstones. Their July verse: The glowing ruby shall adorn, | Those who in July are born; | Then they'll be exempt and free | From love's doubts and anxiety. But doesn't the day you were born deserve something
According to Wiki’s lengthy
background of gemstones, there are also birth “day” stones allocated by day of the week! Saturday, for instance, shares two: turquoise and diamond.
Perusing gems through history has
revealed multiple beauties ruling
over each month, astrological sign, and even day of the week you were born.

Phew! I’m mentally exhausted (well,
it doesn’t take much). Are we confused yet? Absolutely! So let’s go simple,
with the three most common gemstones for July
The Ruby, specified by modern calendar methods, is said to guarantee
health, wisdom, wealth, and success in love.
Ancient astrologers, however,
proclaimed Cancer (June 21-July 22)
should enjoy the qualities of the majestic emerald, while Leo (July
23-Aug 22), rules with the mysterious onyx.
Based on all the info, I’m for
wearing, buying, enjoying, whatever floats your boat!
(Here’s lookin’ at you, kids – 39AHC Birthday 39ers, Gary (IM), John, Nancy (IM), Yvonne, Ed, Marilyn, Pat and
*Ruby Baby by Dion and The Belmonts!
# #
June Sings a Sunny Tune
for 39ers
Goin’ to Surf City ♪…gonna have some fun…♪
years I’ve been urging you to celebrate birthdays not just for a day, but all month.
let’s head into summer with International
Surf Music Month! Thinking
Boomer memories of Gidget (TV, 1965) and Endless
Summer (1966):
KRLA TUNEDEX music survey
for June 2, 1963, listed these great twangy surf tunes in its top 40. Take a
stroll down Memory Lane on your way to a 39
and Holding beach
blanket bingo party:
Surfin U.S.A./Shut Down The Beach Boys
Crazy Days Of Summer Nat "King" Cole
Surf Walk Manuel
& Renegades
#32 We're Going Surfin' The
threw in ol’ Nat King Cole’s song, ‘cause summer and surfin’ just go together,
ya know? Like adding National Flip Flop Day – June 17th
– to our list of reasons to celebrate!
course, dear 39ers, June is also more than daddy month – Father’s Day, June 19 – and Limbo Rock beach parties. Put a spotlight on your 39er birthday and theme your party with:
June 6 – YoYo Day
12 – National Peanut Butter Cookie Day
27 – National Sunglasses Day

know the old adage, “Stop to smell the roses”? They’re June’s signature
flower – don’t smell just one – grab a bunch! You deserve ‘em.
UN-Birthday JUNE
# #

The type of mother who is honored on
Mother’s Day (May 8), is one who hopefully earned her title. She who personifies the
essence of “Mother Nature” – loving, giving, nurturing. That doesn’t mean she is one-sided
(all for you) or loves without discipline.
Just like moms, MAY 39ers
are multi-faceted with complexity to match. Deliberate and down-to-earth Taurus (April 20-May 20) transforming
into quick-witted and chatty Gemini (May 21-June 20) is a big
leap. Even if your mom or other loved one is on the cusp and caught between,
you gotta love ‘em anyway!
So besides Mother’s Day, what do we
have goin’ on – ♪ Yeah, what’s goin’ on … ♪
– in May? You're only a blink away ...
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Fred Astaire waves his boater |
Older Americans Month: of course that isn’t you, ‘cause you’re only 39
and Holding!
Straw Hat Day – wear a boater that has
nothing to do with water.
25th: Towel Day –
“about the most massively useful thing an interstellar
hitchhiker can have”
26th: World Lindy Hop Day – my
dance instructor mom couldn’t resist tweaking my name for the dance!
39ers with ATT-i-tude will spend the month of May with the lovely May lily, or lily of the valley. In the world of birthday
meanings, it implies harmony, humility, and all is right with the world. Ah – beware
such ravishing deceit …

What more can May 39ers do to celebrate their month in style? Classic concerts in May:
May 13 – John Fogerty /
Thackerville, Oklahoma
May 15 – Peter Frampton / Kansas
City, Missouri
May 20 – Joan Jett / Dells,
May 27 – The Who / San Diego,
Whatever you do – whoever you pamper
for May birthdays – remember, no need to call May Day! No worries – it’s only
another year of 39 and Holding.
UN-Birthday May 39ers,
# #

I could use dancing in the rain as an
excuse for this late posting of April’s 39er
birthday celebration, but I know you’re too smart for that. Sorry I’m late!
just move on and celebrate the rain, and party with April’s 39er birthday flowers, the perky daisy and sugary sweet pea – a burst of color amid the dewy
a little late to clue you in to a frothy National
Beer Day (April 7th), I’m sure you managed to toast it
appropriately. We also skipped through the ultimate party song, International “Louie Louie” Day (April 11th),
but I’m just in time to get you up on your feet for International Dance Day! (April 29th)
PAR-TY! After all, you’re still only 39 and Holding … So dance your way
through the month!

you venturing out to forage for gifts for one of these two dynamic sun signs?
Keep in mind, red is the color for impulsive and free-thinking Aries. Leaning
toward chocolate covered strawberries or a bright red shirt?
Taurus – ah, erogenous Taurus – earthy green satin sheets might do the trick. Taurus,
ruled by lovely Venus, is heartily as sensual and a bit softer than passionate
April showers wash away your doldrums of wintry hibernation, they bring the
world back to sharp clarity, echoed in the month’s lustrous diamond gemstone.
Let’s don our diamonds, grab a
handful of daisies, and celebrate April.
Sing … like no one’s listening | Dance … like nobody’s
watching | Love … like your heart
fills the whole world.
UN-Birthday April 39ers,
# #

It’s so tempting to stagger through
the months of a new year … January – New
Year’s Day; February – Valentine’s
Day; March – St. Patrick’s Day …
Ah yes, March 39ers – we made it to the month when wearing green is cool
and Guinness makes more $$ than any other month of the year.
Pensive Pisces
(Feb 19-Mar 20) and airy Aries 39ers (21st
thru April 19th) are proud to march through the month to their own
drumbeat. But smart couples fresh off the Valentine cruise, will march down the
aisle in March and save a small pot o’ gold.
Considered an “off” month for weddings,
it was still no surprise when the young couple in our family announced their
engagement at Christmas, and impending nuptials in March. Why?
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IrishSurnames.com |
After all, with the most common clan name of Murphy, what better month to share family hugs and lots
of Irish kisses? No doubt, the reception will see a Guinness or two toasts,
with twisted tongues.
But there is much to celebrate before
and after the popular Celtic holiday … feel free to explore …

12th – Genealogy Day: Even if you’re not Irish and care less about family history,
are you at all curious about your name? A good place to start …
17th – Drink
a few green beers and smooch all the redheads.
21st – Memory Day: While this day offers a reminder to Ohio citizens of memory
loss and Alzheimer’s disease, we can twin it with a day of summoning our
memories of yore from the nooks and crannies of our minds, and sharing them (while
they’re still within reach) with our family and friends, to create a new, warm
and fuzzy memory.
22nd – As Young as You Feel Day: And finally
we come to a “holiday” near and dear to 39ers.
As Young as You Feel Day should be
heartily celebrated! We’ve adopted it – and the delightful vintage movie
with the same name, as our official day
and entertainment activity, to enjoy the age we feel in our hearts …

# # #
February 39ers - What Color is Love?

Besides dark chocolate, what color
is February for you?

Walking through the sands of time with
Pisces Fish (Feb
19-Mar 20), all shades of green keep you cool. (Not a red heart in sight.)
And though there are other noble
reasons to commemorate February along with Cupid – World Radio Day (13th), Presidents’ Day (15th), and Marijuana Awareness Month – for the 39 and
Holding Club, February 14th is also “Grandpa” Jack Benny Day! Why? Why ... he's the reason we're here.
Deadpan funnyman Jack Benny* segued from
family night around the console radio to family night in front of the TV, with
delightful dry humor and self-deprecating one-liners.
A Valentine baby, Mr. Benny
(February 14, 1894-1974) is the sole reason the 39 and Holding Club
exists. Having celebrated his 39th
birthday on-air with fans, he looked forward to it again the following
He leaned toward the microphone to
declare his 40th birthday … and couldn’t do it. “There’s nothing
funny about 40,” he said, and declared instead, “I’m 39 and Holding!”
Appropriate to his Valentine
birthday, “Love in Bloom**”
became Mr. Benny’s television theme song, in spite of its incongruous
application to the man and his show. (**1934, music by Ralph Rainger, lyrics by
Leo Robin.)
Other famous Valentine babies: the
infamous Jimmy Hoffa; dance man, Gregory Hines; and the Brady Bunch mom, Florence Henderson.
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Healing crystals & edible violets! |
At 39AHC, we celebrate the whole month of quirky Aquarians making way for the dreamy Pisces folks. Neither are shrinking violets, although the violet is
February’s lovely flower, a complement to the spiritual clarity of amethyst, the month’s mystical gem.
As you prepare to party with your
February birthday friends, remember to make it a fun, UN-birthday party, the 39 and Holding Club way!
Happy UN-Birthday February 39ers,
– click on the link
for a glimpse of what comedy was and should still be, with the Smothers
Brothers on The Jack Benny Show. Back
when comedy was funny, not crass.
And this link
is a classic clip of Liberace, with Mr. Benny in a rare violin performance as
they mix chuckles and charm on Benny’s signature song.
# # #
January 39ers
Celebs & Classic TV – Cuddle Up!
Reflection is unavoidable in January – so let's think celebs and those innovative classic TV shows 39 years ago! (There is a certain smug serenity about sharing a birthday with a famous personality.)
the famous and infamous flaunt their spectacular flair, and their poorly
disguised flaws are unceasing news fodder, let's think about why they’re loved or despised, which may
offer insight for a review of your
personal traits, January 39ers.

Caps are staunch supporters but
often lack emotional attachment (think Mel
Gibson, 60, Jan. 3); while Aquarians tend
to baffle the world, switching between brilliant and slightly crazy (ala, zany
actress Brett
Butler, 58, Jan. 30). But about you …

While you’re crunching popcorn, take
a moment to reflect on the past and
your inner personality, rejoice with
your present environment (or plan to change it), and rejuvenate yourself for a New Year of adventure!
Happy UN-Birthday January 39ers,
