Friday, May 5, 2017

Happy UN-Birthday MAY 39ers

First of Many Merry Mays  

Are you a first-time 39er? Welcome to the club! Seriously … don’t fret … 39 and Holding is a badge of honor, not a lamentable milestone.

This is the moment in life when you’ve accrued enough wisdom and knowledge to pursue your lifelong passion, or discover the passion that will enhance the rest of your life!

Or … are you 39 and Holding … again?! Yahoo! you’re enjoying freedom of the mind and the joy of ATT-i-tude.

39 Years Ago this Month ~ MAY 1978             
Rock & Roll movies made a big splash heading into summer, the year you first-time 39ers were born. Do the rest of you remember …

13th: even beating out The Beatles for a while, Barry Gibb’s prolific songwriting passion finally paid off. He climbed the music charts to become the only songwriter to grab Billboard’s top spot with four consecutive #1 singles. Barry eventually expanded that to six #1 tunes, and shares the record with Lennon and McCartney. He kinda had a push up the charts—it all started on a Saturday night in December 1977.

18th: more movie magic came in the release of The Buddy Holly Story, starring Gary Busey. It picked up the Academy Award (1979) for Best Music and several more; and solidified Gary as a bona fide major Hollywood player, in his nomination for Best Actor in a Leading Role. Doesn’t it seem to you that the best movies include Rock & Roll??

31st: National Senior Health & Fitness Day – I know, I know, you newbies don’t want to be called “senior” yet. However, if you’ve been sedentary in the past couple of years, it’s time to get moving. Love this year’s theme: With Movement… There’s Improvement. And that’s especially true for you 39ers who have been 39 for a couple-ten-years-or-more. J

For 39ers who Follow the Stars   
Just like moms and May flowers, MAY 39ers are multi-faceted with complexity to match. Deliberate and down-to-earth Taurus (April 20-May 20) transforming into quick-witted and chatty Gemini (May 21-June 20) is a big leap. Even if your mom or other loved one is on the cusp and caught between, you gotta love ‘em anyway!

Aging with ATT-i-tude Platitude 
What’s the point of eating healthy and exercising? Who wants to live to be 89?
   Response: Someone who’s 88.
~ From BBC television series, Midsomer Murders, Season 3, Episode 3: “Blue Herrings”

Great cheese and wine need aging, but for 39ersAge is a number … LIFE is ATT-i-tude!TM 

Happy UN-Birthday MAY 39ers,
(Here’s lookin’ at you, kids – 39AHC Birthday 39ers, Susie, Pauline, and Judith!)
Chat on Twitter: @39HoldingClub

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