Saturday, May 8, 2021

Happy UN-Birthday 39ers MAY 2021

Put a Spring in Your Step from May Day to Memorial Day! 

Wake up 39ers! Spring has sprung and freedom feels more precious than ever. From May Day to Memorial Day, let’s honor our 39er UN-birthdays with special personal and patriotic days in May for any age …

Celebrating MAY 39ers ~ And More!
39ers often have revelations about life as they reach another 39 and Holding birthday. One of those aha! moments may bring you to realizing that May, as Personal History Month, is a great time to start your family legacy … documenting your life and place within your family is important. Do it. Do it now.

A great way to evoke memories and familial thoughts is to take some daily quiet time for yourself. Although there are no official links associated with these designations, you may find those I’ve included helpful to observe National Meditation Month, which sets the tone for National Mental Health Month, our nod to your well-being for May.
Even five minutes of
meditation is good for your body, mind, spirit and soul. So breathe deep and follow the links with information for quick meditation, which could fundamentally contribute to your overall mental health.

Merry Days in May
May 9th ~ Mother's Day
– Of course, it’s Mother’s Day! To all of you in every generation … Happy Mother’s Day! Dig out all the old photos of your kids, and happy reminiscing …

May 10-16th: While we’re pouring over old photos, let’s raise a pint to American Craft Beer Week! San Diego is a mecca of craft beers. But even if you don’t live in a town that caters to beer lovers, your local store surely stocks some tempting independent brewers. The cool folks at even offer an interactive map to help you find them! Have you taste-tested a favorite and stuck with it, or do you try a new one every week? Whichever … be adventurous. Cheers!

May 25-30th: So I ask you, have you ever been called “stubborn as an ol’ mule”? Of course, that may happen more often, the more 39 and Holding birthdays you pass! Well, pardner, mellow out and go where you can join the real ones for Mule Days!
      Take a rural vacation from pretty much everything, in the eastern Sierra Nevada Mountains area of
Bishop, California. They love their mules. Seriously. The folks there have been celebrating the irascible animal for nearly fifty years, and proud of it. More fun than a carnival, campground, and rodeo put together. Tickets still available for Will Call. Get off your duff and go!

May 15th ~ Straw Hat Day – It’s true! Once upon a time, men wore “boaters,” the original straw hat, strictly between May and September 15th, signaling the span of summer. But do you know there also was once, a “Straw Hat Riot”?
     Taken straight from its Wiki page: “The
Straw Hat Riot of 1922 was a riot that occurred in New York City. Originating as a series of minor riots, it spread due to men wearing straw hats past the unofficial date that was deemed socially acceptable, September 15. It lasted eight days, leading to many arrests and some injuries.” Oh my. And you thought riots began in the ‘60s. On a more civilized note, let’s tip our glasses (not hats), to …

May 25th ~ National Wine Day – Not that this day needs a “club,” to deliver grape enjoyment, but the most excellent folks at the, who established the day, reviewed wine clubs in nearly every state, to provide further incentive to tip a glass of grapes, and listed a number of special wine days throughout the year. But then, who needs an excuse … right?!

31st ~ Memorial Day – Remember to wear and display your red-white-blue for a true-blue holiday that commemorates the bravery of our military service men and women, who made the ultimate sacrifice for the United States of America. Unfortunately, many citizens have forgotten, never known, or disdain the official practices for flying the American flag. Especially on days like this, Old Glory is a vibrant symbol of respect, for your country, for others, and most of all, for yourself. Fly it proudly.

For 39ers who Follow the Stars ...

Mayflowers for Moms! Whether you’re a deliberate and steadfast Taurus (April 20-May 20) based in earthy complexity —or party-hearty Gemini (May 21-June 20) eager for a full moon gala, Mom isn’t far from your thoughts. Give her May’s fragrant lily-of-the-valley that “signifies sweetness, humility, and a return to happiness.” Particularly appropriate this year.
Taurus 39ers personify the vibrant, multi-faceted cuts of the sign’s deep
emerald birthstone. Much like mom, it goes beyond the surface and roots calmly in your mindful crevices. Also like mom, the emerald shimmers brightly over quick-witted and chatty Geminis too.
      No May celebration is complete without them! You may try, but you likely won’t keep up with Gemini’s energetic twin sign as they rush head-long through the month, adding a seemingly magic touch to every moment.

Aging with ATT-i-tude Platitude 
You may be gray with a lopsided gait, but your inner child knows no such fate. Laugh. 
~ L. Rochelle 

Cheers to your Happy UN-Birthday MAY 39ers   
      This one’s for you, kids – Susie, Pauline, Vicki, and Judith!

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*Important Legal Message: Any data, links, or opinions in this site are for your information only and does not constitute legal or medical expertise of any kind. My expertise is writing and sensible reporting. Period. Please use all data, links, or my skewed opinions at your own risk.

Are you a 39er this month? Feel free to share your UN-birthday comments below (click on Comments or if it says No Comments, click that to be the first) and tell us how you really feel about your age and aging. Keep the stories coming!

LinDee Rochelle is a writer and editor by trade, and author by way of Rock & Roll. She has published two books (of three) in her Blast from Your Past series, available on Amazon (eBook and print): Book 1Rock & Roll Radio DJs: The First Five Years 1954-1959; and Book 2Rock & Roll Radio DJs: The Swinging Sixties. Coming soon … The Psychedelic Seventies!
