Welcome 39ers! Is this your 39 and Holding UN-Birthday month? Let’s UNwrap another birthday, and enjoy at
least ONE day of non-stop fun. OK, well, I generally party my whole birthday month
away, but maybe that's just me.
Birthdays are important. Not because we're a year
older—it’s simply a great day to reflect, rejoice, and rejuvenate. Join us at 39
and Holding where we’re forever
young—with ATT-i-tude!
an effort to save my efforts, I'm streamlining this page from September 2020 on, to add only the monthly article titles, with a link to their
pages. My apology if this causes extra effort on your part to read them.
At my age, my time is worth more than any effort put forth for anything
by anyone. Rock On! 😎👇
Time to explore your 39er UN-birthday DECEMBER 2020 ... In need of a break? Let's party!
December 2020 ~ Reflect.
Rejoice. Rejuvenate. Enjoy! Next Year …
November 2020 ~ This Month, Live Charitably, Love More and Laugh Often
October 2020 ~ 39er Music, a Blue Moon & Magic!
September 2020 ~ ♪ Hey. You! Get Off of My ♪ … UN-Birthday!
August 2020 ~ Cheers
to Creative Summer Escapes
This year, August’s sweltering sunburst is compounded by
extreme boredom and frustration, as we weigh ways to sneak out and escape. Daydreams
of the ocean or other scenic, playful experience, vs. playing it safe at home …
is it over yet?!
you apply that question to August or covid, chances are, you need an ATT-i-tude
adjustment. You’ve come to the right place!
We celebrate 39ers every month of the year,
come H-E-double-hockey-sticks or high water! Speaking of high seas, join us as
we sip a libation to refresh our minds with fun, mindful escapes …
AUGUST 39ers ~ And More!
Escape in their Facebook page and you
won’t be able to suppress a sly grin or an out-and-out guffaw over pics and
posts and “piratey” videos to watch. Get in the mood—binge rumbustious movie
archives yet again, while dressed in yur best swashbuckling, rapscallion duds! Happy
Arrr-gust Mateys!
Making A Difference Month
– No link is associated with this special monthly commemoration, so make of it
what you will—after all, a good many of us 39ers are Boomers,
or our parents are—so celebrate them for their quirky outlooks on life, vivacious wisdom, and their
to your life. Make a difference in their lives and yours, with a smile and helping hand, in home, community, state
or country! ♪ I love Rock & Roll! Put another dime in the jukebox, baby!
Crayon Collection Month
CrayonCollection.org is all about gathering
your old crayons and donating them to kids in need … this could tie right in
with Boomers Making a Difference Month!
Matriarch or patriarch of your family, or a new 39er
with kids, nieces, or nephews, you can help our youth continue to create
personal and public artistic masterpieces, during this odd and stressful time.
Ask your friends, family, or meet someone new, and urge them
to donate old crayons for a great cause. To really color a day bright, buy a new
box and donate!
Will Be Your Legacy Month
– seriously, have you thought about it? Again, no link or group claims this
special monthly designation, but it’s a very important topic for 39ers.
NOW is the time to ask yourself that question. How
does/did/will your life impact future generations?
Even if you feel your life is ordinary or mundane, think
about the good you do for others, the interesting or odd jobs or experiences
you’ve lived through, and the insightful wisdom you’ve gained from them—write
it down—and start your legacy now.
Our sister site, PenchantForPenning.com has ideas and suggestions …
stop on by and give it some thought. “Since we don't have a crystal ball
that tells us when we'll ... well, you know ... leaving your legacy at any
age is important. Do it now.”
a couple one-day fun thoughts, August 21st is Poet's Day. Muse
creatively and pen a poem! It need not be a classic; a few lines of reflective
thoughts to a loved one or friend (or yourself). Or … party all month with August
39ers and culminate with International Cabernet
Sauvignon Day
on the 30th … Cheers!
For 39ers who
Follow the Stars
Leos (07/23-08/22) will keep the 39ers’
UN-birthday party guests happy and the Virgo folks (08/23-09/22) set the
whole thing up. Virtual this year? Not a problem. Socially planned out for fun
in distancing? You got it! Between the two, you can have it all!
Leonine Leos come by their
mythological symbol honestly, with the ancient Latin for “Leo” translating to
lion. These 39ers use their planetary ruler, the Sun, to brighten their
lives and those around them, with its essential energy. This month, they shine
with drama and excitement, and will light up your day.
Not to be
outdone, Virgos’ expansive capacity for nurturing and caring for all humanity
over millennia, range from its ancient beginnings as a goddess of fertility, to
its more recent association with the Virgin Mary. During August, to close
friends and family, Virgos may seem a little quieter than usual. But in the
Virgo mind, they’re just a little more centered on tasks at hand.
Take a break from the summer heat and peer into August’s
soothing green Peridot birthstone. Its complex facets captivate and calm your
spirit, while stories abound of magical powers and healing properties.
Aging with ATT-i-tude Platitude
you wake up today depressed over aging, the past, a seemingly insurmountable
obstacle to future happiness? Fine. Pamper yourself for 24 hours. Get up
tomorrow with a 39er ATT-i-tude: No excuses. Just Rock On! ~
L. Rochelle
This one’s for you, kids – Linda, Jim, Stephanie, and Tanya!
you a 39er this month? Feel free to share your UN-birthday comments below (click on Comments or if it says No
Comments, click that to be the first) and tell us how you really feel about your age and aging. Keep the stories coming!
July 2020 ~ Summer Fun is What We Make It
to summer July 39ers! We’ll vibrantly celebrate this summer month of
fireworks (literally and politically) with sparkly cucumber fresco
cocktails until we slide into an afternoon nap for August and wake up
refreshed for the Holidays in September. Party on …
JULY 39ers ~ And More!
begins at home. Especially true today—in our imposed home worlds. We are free
to color
our world any color(s) we choose. Create your favorite palette of décor
colors for a home makeover, find fun graphics to color your walls, or even learn
a new art to give voice to your inner self!
July: No
better time to enjoy World Watercolor Month and freedom to express
yourself. As the site creator of this colorful celebration, Charlie O’Shields tells us, “… artists around
the globe come together to paint the world with beautiful watercolor
and help raise awareness for arts education …” Go for it!
4th of July: With so many protests about America and the men
and women who created the opportunity to ring the Declaration of
Independence into being, this month
we need ask ourselves—what does America mean to us? Not just on this day, or
its intrinsic value, but is there anywhere else you would rather live?
yes is your answer, then by all means … head on out. What are you waiting for?
no, but you’re not thrilled with America’s laws and voluminous benefits it
offers its citizens—and non-citizens—don’t get angry, GET MOTIVATED. Use
your freedoms to help make the country better FOR ALL. There
should be no colors except red-white-and-blue people. Make
it happen.
10th: Let’s have a moment of
silent respect for Collector Car Appreciation Day. After all, most of the autos being appreciated expired
decades ago! If only I had kept that Emerald Green 1958 Chevy Bel Air … sigh.
Never in a million years did I think I’d ever honor moths in my writings. What
else can I do though, when millions of people worldwide celebrate National
Moth Week!?
Fun facts from NMW site: “Scientists
estimate there are 150,000 to more than 500,000 moth species. … Shapes
and sizes span the gamut from as small as a pinhead to as large as an adult’s
hand.” And they can prove it, with 100,000 photos from around the globe, on
their site. Fly on over!
25th: Yeehaw, ya-all! It’s the National Day of the Cowboy! Although the sponsoring site linked with this day
offers details about visiting Ft. Worth, Texas, for the day, there is no overt mention
of current venue or travel restrictions. There are, though, limited attraction
dates, and I imagine nothing is set in stone. But
hey, you can celebrate the American Cowboy at home! Wear your best cowpoke hat,
faded denim jeans, and carry a big water gun! Pfffffffft! Gotcha! You’re all wet!
For 39ers who
Follow the Stars
month, the Zodiac features two of its most caring star signs. You’re very lucky
if a Cancer (June 21-July 22) or Leo
(July 23-August 22) July 39er counts you among their favorite people. They both care deeply … but ever so differently.
Male or female, the gallant Cancer is your knight in
a shining sea-crusted shell. Woe to the hapless person who seeks to sit between
you! As natural leaders, Leos too, are protective and true-blue, just in
a flashier, more extravagant way.
This month our Cancer 39ers friends may seem a
bit preoccupied and unsettled in personal and professional lives. Listen …
laugh … cry … celebrate their UN-birthday … and be there for them by the third week, to help them move on.
The summer also brings flux and drama to the mighty Lions
who must decide to roar or not to roar in their business life. No worries. Your
Leonine lover will figure it out and by month’s end you’ll enjoy their soft
purring once again.
July 39er gift
idea: While most of us consider birthstones by month,
some bejeweled experts prefer their gems by Zodiac
sign. The deep-red ruby is perfect for your Cancer
39ers’ UN-birthday gift of passion, and the lucky Leo who receives a
spiritual black onyx will delight in its mystery.
Aging with ATT-i-tude Platitude
Freedom allows us … Protests for changing minds … Laws for changing with the
times. Neither requires violence. ~ L. Rochelle
wait, start now! Cheers to your Happy UN-Birthday JULY 39ers
This one’s for you, kids – Yvonne, Ed, Marilyn, Pat,
Joyce and Susan!
Club 39
Nifty Gifts
the 39 & Holding Club!
on Twitter: @39HoldingClub
you a 39er this month? Feel free to share your UN-birthday comments below (click on Comments or if it says No
Comments, click that to be the first) and tell us how you really feel about your age and aging. Keep the stories coming!
JUNE 2020 ~Your
Nose Knows … By Any Other Name is a Rose
National Rose Month … and cautiously reopening the country so we can
stop and smell the roses … to a virtual Dandelion Wine festival, World
Oceans Day and American Eagle Day, June is a breakout month to
celebrate more than June 39ers!
JUNE 39ers ~ And More!
Living the SoCal life, I honor oceans more than one World Oceans Day per year—oceans are more than summer frolic destinations—they
serve all life on Earth. It’s good for everyone to understand how important our
oceans are and what we can do not only to enjoy them, but to help protect them.
Month: Only
your nose knows … and we certainly know when the heady aroma of roses is
nearby. As a relatively healthy 39er (or trying to be), I walk nearly
every day for 20-30 minutes. My usual route takes me by several neighboring
yards with incredible roses. Pictured are a couple of my favorite. If only we
had virtual noses!
Without a yard-full, there is always a small bouquet available
from your local store to enjoy National Rose Month and remind you how beautiful
they are in vision and scent. Oh … and did I mention they’re June’s birth month flower? Another bonus for June
39ers …
Just as important as we lead into what I hope will still be a patriotic month
of July, is American Eagle Day. Protecting bald eagles, our
national symbol of freedom and strength, is also crucial to who and what we
Americans—of all color—stand for. Protecting our freedoms is most important—but
not through rioting, at the expense of retail neighbors and friends. Let’s make
a statement, not a disaster.
39ers who Follow the Stars …
it any wonder Garfield (the impish comics cat with ATTitude) is a Gemini? June
he celebrates yet another 39er UN-birthday and is the perfect twin
personality in a mischievous tabby.
Geminis (05/21-06/20) focus on
whatever is in front of them in the moment … work, errands, party. Did someone
say party?! The quintessential party planner, Gemini finds festive ways—even in
a party for one—to devise a real or virtual gala for a friend, or themselves!
the 21st, the compassionate Cancer
(06/21-07/22) smooths the hungover Gemini brow and nurtures them back to
reality as no other Zodiac sign can. Often crusty on the surface, their inner
nature of loyalty and love makes it easy to forgive the occasional admonishment
delivered a tad gruffly.
June heats up, it’s time to venture out cautiously with the twins and the crab
… put your flip flops on and pour another vodka smoothie to celebrate!
*Aging with ATT-i-tude Platitude
you wished on a dandelion lately? You’re never too old
to pucker up and blow! ~ L. Rochelle
This one’s for you, kids – Sally, Christine, and
you a 39er this month? Feel free to share your UN-birthday comments below (click on Comments or if it says No
Comments, click that to be the first) and tell us how you really feel about your age and aging. Keep the stories coming!
MAY 2020 ~ Tag, You’re IT! MAY We
Bring You a Month of Smiles
MAY UN-birthdays is easy to do … at least for the women … when there are flowers,
candy, balloons, and gifts galore online and in stores. You’ll need to stretch
a tad for the guys, but May rolls us into summer with BBQ and outdoor
guy-stuff, too. Let’s see what other reasons and ways to revel in the last
month of spring …
Celebrate MAY
39er UN-Birthdays ~ And for More Fun
pure, unadulterated retail advertising, you can’t beat a company that gives itself
a “holiday” to celebrate with its customers. It’s MAYtag Month!
The venerable large
appliance maker has been around since long before even the oldest of us were in
diapers (1893)—and then they washed them. Yes, some of us were not born
in the era of Pampers. And somewhere along the way, their iconic “Maytag Man” (introduced
in 1967) went from dependable but lonely, to strong and sexy!
Another reason to grin with a giggle … MAY is National Smile Month. Well, for
some reason, it runs May 18-June 18 … whatever works … smiles never really go
out of style.
This “holiday” is founded on dental
health concepts, but I embrace the idea for simply … smiling. This MAY
more than any other in recent history, we need to seek reasons to smile. Or …
do we really need a reason? I’ve always loved the old adage, “Smile. It
makes everyone else wonder what you’ve been up to.” And then I smile even wider,
with the thought. Try it!
we celebrate Moms, we don’t always think of her squarely in the present day. It’s
natural to think of Mom and other parts-‘n’-pieces of family, relative to our
existence in past and future. That brings us to Personal History Month!
Although many writers
offer services to help you write your autobiography, you may not want
someone else peeking into your life, or to make it so “formal.” That’s OK. It
can also be a DIY project, and start with simply recording snippets of
memories. (Always add an approximate date and/or age for easy reference.)
~ Mother's Day
~ Straw Hat Day
~ National Wine Day
~ Memorial Day
(Since we’re at home, perfect time to celebrate with wine!)
For 39ers who
Follow the Stars
flowers for Moms! Whether you’re deliberate and steadfast Taurus guys and gals
(April 20-May 20) based in earthy complexity —or party-hearty Geminis (May 21-June
20) eager for a full moon gala, Mom isn’t far from your thoughts.
39ers mirror the charming, multi-faceted cuts of this month’s fine emerald birthstone.
Much like Mom, its depth goes beyond the surface and roots calmly in its many
mindful crevices.
Also like Mom, the emerald’s twinkle shimmers brightly over
quick-witted and chatty Geminis too. Just try to leave them out of a MAY celebration! You’ll struggle to keep
up with the energetic twin-sign as they rush through the month, adding their seemingly
magic touch to every moment.
Aging with ATT-i-tude Platitude
of Aging with ATTitude? Never having to see a gray day. That’s what hair color
is for! ~ L. Rochelle
This one’s for you, kids – Craig, Susie, Pauline, Vicki, and Judith!
you a 39er this month? Feel free to share your UN-birthday comments below (click on Comments or if it says No
Comments, click that to be the first) and tell us how you really feel about your age and aging. Keep the stories coming!
the Boredom-at-Home Balloon
some home-bound fun and inspiration APRIL 39ers? Visit Brownielocks.com calendar … the most fun you’ll have all month! (And no, I
don’t get paid for saying that; I simply love her site.)
you bored? “Early retirement” (as I like to call the COVID-19 self-quarantining
movement), isn’t all you thought retirement would be, is it? For those of you
who haven’t seen enough 39 and Holding birthdays to reach retirement
age, don’t get used to it … hopefully, it’s temporary!
can finally get all the projects done that you’ve belly-ached about for years, if
you just “had the time.” Now you’ve got it—but the enthusiasm is lacking! Maybe
you just need a little push … alright, shove …
Celebrate APRIL
39er UN-Birthdays ~ And for More Fun
Okay, m’friends, buck-up and suck it up—look around you.
Aren’t you just itching to redecorate? April is your month to do it for National
Decorating Month! As FramedArt.com reminds us, “The show must
go on!” They have some terrific indoor design ideas, whether your style is
modern, minimalist, or mid-century.
And America’s favorite Better Homes & Gardens says, “See how you can take
ordinary items and work them into your decor with a few easy tricks, updates,
and simple supplies.” (Need something new? So far, online orders are still
available with many retailers.) But if the “great outdoors” is calling you …
many of us are stuck inside and/or don’t have a “yard” National Garden Month may not be of much interest. But consider another way to celebrate
Spring other than a stroll in public gardens or planting your own peonies or
peppers out in the back yard … create a small indoor garden!
for 39AHC writers, if digging in the dirt isn’t your April choice of
pastime, I have something right up your wordsmith alley … National Poetry
Month! From PublishersWeekly.com: “On March 20, the academy
launched the #ShelterInPoems initiative, which invites
readers to select a poem from the Poets.org website and post on social media
why they find the poem inspiring.”
I began as a young idealist writing simple poems. The last
day of April (30th) is just for poets—wannabe, polished or faking it
for fun. Yes!
Poem in Your Pocket Day – Although life has changed
and this page of the Poets.org website has not yet caught up to pandemic days, we
can follow their lead on their primary page, and
still cherish and share our inner poet.
Rather than a shirt or pants pocket, carry your favorite
poem with you everywhere you go online today and all month, with
#PocketPoem! Share snippets of a published poem or create your own poem to help
others smile, dream, or simply ponder life.
Matter Where You Are
is as Easter does
chocolate chicks
bunny fuzz
Easter wish just for you …
safe, be well, think love
big hugs too!
~ L.Rochelle
For 39ers who
Follow the Stars
Aries (March 21st–April
19th) and Taurus (April 20th–April
20th) share April’s Spring hopefulness, as do we all this year.
Aries the Ram may be a tad stubborn, but they thrive on free-thinking ideas—perfect
for creating special ways to shelter in place. Look for profit-building, but do
it because you enjoy it, not because you must.
And I like to think that it’s no
accident we celebrate Earth Day (April 22nd) in
the sign of the realism-based Taurus. The bull is practical, making this an
ideal sign to carry forth Aries’ lofty ideas and mold them into reality. Mind
your health, Taurus, while you explore long-term financial opportunities.
Have you ever noticed that both Sun
Signs feature horns? Hmmmm … Neither are afraid to speak their mind, so have
all your ducks in a row before you pick an argument with one of them.
Shopping for birthday gifts? Red flows dominantly through the Aries psyche, whether
they know it or not; and of course, Earth green with tinges of golden brown
falls into Taurus’s healthy spectrum. But it’s the clarity of the lustrous diamond that will capture the
attention of both, as April’s glittering gemstone.
Aging with ATT-i-tude Platitude
were given rainbows for a reason … to light up the hope that will get us
through the darkness. Aging brings us wisdom to follow the rainbow with our inner child. ~ L. Rochelle
This one’s for you, kids – Varoujan (John), Les, and “Uncle
you a 39er this month? Feel free to share your UN-birthday comments below (click on Comments or if it says No
Comments, click that to be the first) and tell us how you really feel about your age and aging. Keep the stories coming!
My World!
MARCH 39ers – Awaken to your inner child
(who never ages past “39”!) and rediscover the fun and beauty of
coloring your world.
long has it been since you added accents in bright colors to your home décor or
wardrobe? 2020 is a breakout year—notice nature around you and consider a
bright new favorite color to symbolize a vibrant new you.
Along with Your
UN-Birthday ~ Happy MARCH Celebrations
It’s National Noodle Month – Let’s eat! But wait,
before you head out to celebrate at your local pasta place, what color outfit
will you wear? Yes, this month, it’s important!
Many believe color is a way to uplift and change your
life, swirling hand-in-hand with healing your body, mind, spirit and soul. Just
ask the folks at Aura House who introduced National Color Therapy Month.
So far as I know, though, there are just two colors of the
yummiest treat on earth … brown and white … I would be UN-American if I didn’t
include this celebration of yumminess, American
Chocolate Week,
from the 15th to the 21st.
Chocolate.org even pairs our two favorite tastes in the world … chocolate and
potato chips! It’s in their Spring Collection. Mmmmmm!
March 17th: Of course, we all know this
is the favorite day of Irish Americans, but did you know we now have St.Patrick's Day TREES?! Yep … just like decorated Christmas firs, except all
green and gold and … well, anything you like, and top it with an emerald green
top hat, or a big glittering clover.
And think about it, your faux
Christmas tree could become a permanent part of your indoor décor … decorating
it for every Holiday! After St. Paddy’s Day, we have Easter … Memorial
Day … 4th of July … and ooh, just think about the fun
possibilities for Halloween! Spooky …
International Colour Day – Although this is a viable
special day and associated with the International Colour
there are no notably unique celebrations, except that which you might
create! More than 30 countries represented in the ICA voted to establish this
day in 2009, to celebrate all colors of the visual spectrum and black. Yes, you
can wear all of the clothes in your closet at once!

22nd: *As Young As You Feel Day! You would think
this day was created specifically for 39 and Holding Club.
Since it was established, no identifying link appears to claim it. Finders –
keepers! Actually, I’m contacting Brownielocks (my fave
Holiday & commemorative calendar) to see if we can claim it with our page
link because …
Back in 2015 I found a fun film with
the same name. Call it 39AHC’s symbol of happy longevity. If you’re a
black-and-white movie buff, or simply love good ol’ movies from way back, As
Young As You Feel is a pure delight, with a budding young actress who became a true “idol.” Read all about it
here … and click the link to watch the movie on YouTube.
March 31st: National Crayon Day – And to top off the month, who came up with fun ways to
use color way back in 1903?? Crayola
of course. So let’s enjoy the day with our inner child and color
the world
our way!
For 39ers who
Follow the Stars
and compassionate Pisces (Feb 19-Mar 20) dances with
the daring and fiery Aries (Mar 21-Apr 19) as March UN-birthday 39ers herald the seasonal change
from winter doldrums to bright spring.
If you know a Pisces, you’ve
likely experienced the watery emotions of the fish, deep and sometimes murky.
Take heart … March is cosmic and energetic for Pisces and moods lighten up as
the month progresses, urged along by great social connections.
for Aries, well … look out. We know Aries is strong and capable, but
this month they’re a business dynamo to be reckoned with. Excelling on a
professional level for most of the month, they march straight through the Ides of March feelin’ the love, too. (Is
it you?)
Pisces finds its light green Zodiac color peaceful and healing, and
though passionate red is attributed to Aries, no doubt Kelly green would
make a terrifically appropriate accent!
Aging with ATT-i-tude Platitude
world is painted with the colors of your choices. Choose shades of your true
self. Nothing else matters. ~ L. Rochelle
This one’s for you, kids – Steven and Susan!
you a 39er this month? Feel free to share your UN-birthday comments below (click on Comments or if it says No
Comments, click that to be the first) and tell us how you really feel about your age and aging. Keep the stories coming!
FEBRUARY 2020 ~ Love First Yourself … Only
then can you love others.
another step into the calendar, we find ourselves in the month of amour and the
quadrennial month that heralds 2020’s Leap Year …
They fall in love and marry all in one day! Yep, long before
we depended on the Internet to find our instant love matches. Enjoy this
adorable film, without violence, profanity or nudity. Just pure nostalgia.
to share your love this month? With a whole week dedicated to Random Acts of Kindness* (16th through 23rd)
you can make a big difference with small “acts of love,” for your friends,
family, and total strangers. Give it a whirl while we all celebrate 39ers’
UN-birthdays and other joyful days …
Along with Your
UN-Birthday ~ Happy FEBRUARY Celebrations
13th: World Radio Day – There are no two ways
about it … radio has played a huge part in fostering LOVE among its fans, for
nearly a century. LOVE songs on the radio have bolstered many a boldly amorous
move and when Rock Radio came along with LOVE dedications … well, let’s just
say we owe Radio a lot*.
February 14th: Yes, we know it’s Valentines Day, but there are other reasons
to celebrate this middle-child (middle of the month) day …
Ferris Wheel Day – Today’s the day! Conquer
your fear of heights and enjoy a day above all the fracas! For those who grew
up with the once-ubiquitous Ferris Wheels, it’s a day for fanciful nostalgia.
National Margarita Day – Oh, my goodness yes! This frosty frozen cocktail isn’t
only for Cinco de Mayo, you know. Enjoy!
29th: Leap Year Day! Take the day off … enjoy a
Margarita … because, well … it isn’t a “real” day, right?!
For 39ers who
Follow the Stars
Looking for someone to work
with to change the world? Find a February Aquarian 39er (Jan 20-Feb 18)! They’re natural-born instigators who
think above the fold when it comes to enlightened thinking and not one to run
from a conflict. This is a month of change for Aquarians, both personally and
Our other February UN-birthday 39er is the gentle and dreamy Pisces
(Feb 19-Mar 20). Pisces identifies with the month of love for a reason. Their
compassion and empathy make everyone around them feel loved. Their soul is a
magnet for fantasy and feelings. Don’t worry if the sensitive Pisces exits
reality the first half of the month. They’re simply regenerating for the magic
to come in the second half!
Aging with ATT-i-tude Platitude
our instincts comes easier as we age. We just need time to realize how
naturally smart we are. ~
L. Rochelle
This one’s for you,
kids – Sharon, Rochelle and David!
you a 39er this month? Feel free to share your UN-birthday comments below (click on Comments or if it says No
Comments, click that to be the first) and tell us how you really feel about your age and aging. Keep the stories coming!
Note: *
All links in the 39AHC site are
personally visited, verified, and vetted. Most are linked to commonly accessed
sites of reputable note. For your (and my) online security I am following a
relatively new policy of not listing links to sites without a secure
connection, as indicated in the browser address bar. Sadly, this includes many
prominent celebrity and supposedly respectable sites. With everything cyber-security, use at your own
discretion. Holiday calendar info and links accessed and enjoyed at Brownielocks.com.
January 2020 ~ Every
Month this Year Celebrates 39ers Born in 1981 & Earlier!
39 and Holding Club welcomes a whole NEW batch of 39ers beginning
with the New Year … and ultimately, the New Decade!
you were born in January 1981 or later, you are or will officially become, a 39er.
Welcome to the most inane, elite club on Earth!
the year unfolds, come on back and see how we celebrate your “special”
UN-birthday month, with trivia, tips for youthful living, and sage words for
those who know that Age is just a number … LIFE is att-i-tude!
Along with Your
UN-Birthday ~ Happy JANUARY Celebrations
National Soup Month! Is it any wonder? On a cold,
weatherly night it’s wonderful to just curl up with a hot bowl of soup, crunchy
crackers, and a good book … and the kids in front of the TV. That’s providing
you can get the kids excited about their soup, rather than running around the
house with all their shiny, new, noisy toys!
Some of us, however, have weathered
those many New Years of life, and bask in the glow of our faux Golden Years.
Yeah, in case you’re wondering, there is no such thing. But there is a certain
peace to maturity that allows New Years … and in this case, New Decades … to
bring a smile of memories for those past, and heightened pleasure to enjoy a
softer new beginning.
So, 39ers, enjoy your lip-smacking good soup, your mind
full of memories, and may I suggest a
good book? (My New Year’s Resolution is to market my books better …
7th: Old Rock Day ~ Hmmmm, ok 39ers, I
know what you’re thinking. While we love Oldies Rock & Roll, this day truly
is about old rocks! If you don’t think this is an interesting day to
celebrate, consider
Earth Magazine’s
reason for creating it. “Throughout human history, rocks have been
important to us and we have found many uses for them: as tools, musical
instruments, weapons, adornments, building materials, and as sources of fuel
and crucial elements.” We all use and/or enjoy one or even all, of these rock-related
reasons to celebrate our geologic sciences.
This day is often confused with and
used to celebrate turntable djs. Not that they aren’t hard workers and deserve
praise, too, but the day was originally created to honor the pioneering radio
disc jockeys who “jockeyed the discs” (vinyl records), for our listening
pleasure, oh so many years ago … and those who “push the buttons” today. Give
your fave #RadioDJ a virtual hug and enjoy
the music!
January 24th: Belly Laugh Day ~ these people are simply
too much fun to ignore. On the 24th at 1:24p (your local time), they
urge you to throw your arms up in the air and LAUGH!! Even the venerable Mayo
Clinic says it’s good for us, “Laughter is a great form of stress relief,
and that's no joke.”
If you read this before the 24th, share your love
and laughter with your friends on and offline with hashtag #BellyLaughDay. Make yourself a phone alert ... and remember to laugh! What
could be more fun?
For 39ers who Follow the
Stars …
After a busy and jumbled
Holiday Season, January is a business-oriented month for many, and the
strategically minded Capricorn
(12/22/18-01/19/19) is no slouch in business. Don’t be surprised if you see
them busily listing their financial goals for the year. Caps are of the few who
will actually attain them! Not known for their flexibility, try to help your
early January 39er friends to be
more flexible. They may not admit it, but they need you.
The latter part of January caters to
the quirky, free-spirited Aquarians
(01/20-02/18). As Tarot.com explains, “When this rebellious sign isn’t
satisfied with the way things are, they’re experts at garnering the support
they need to instigate change.” Do you know an active Aquarian? They’re never
lacking for witty and entertaining conversation, but their real talent is in
caring for community and mankind. Look out, they’ll change your perspective
without breaking a sweat!
Aging with ATT-i-tude Platitude
is never more important than when watching a New Year dawn over a New Decade. What
will you do with it? Anything your heart desires … ~ L. Rochelle
This one’s for you,
kids – Renee, Erin, Chris, Jodie, and Joe!
Happy New Year
& New Decade!
you a 39er this month? Feel free to share your UN-birthday comments below (click on Comments or if it says No
Comments, click that to be the first) and tell us how you really feel about your age and aging. Keep the stories coming!
Note: *
All links in the 39AHC site are
personally visited, verified, and vetted. Most are linked to commonly accessed
sites of reputable note. For your (and my) online security I am following a
relatively new policy of not listing links to sites without a secure
connection, as indicated in the browser address bar. Sadly, this includes many
prominent celebrity and supposedly respectable sites. With everything cyber-security, use at your own
discretion. Holiday calendar info and links accessed and enjoyed at Brownielocks.com.
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