Makin’ Rock-tober a Rock & Roll Holiday!
Happy UN-Birthday OCTOBER 39ers! Nothing new, here … yup … your fun 39er article was tragically late again (finally posted 10/10/24). But with this being Halloween month, you know it’s full of trivia and tidbits to make things special and spooky. By the 17th we’ll all be ready to enjoy another Super Full Moon!
֎ Celebrating OCTOBER 39ers ~ And
Of course it’s Black Cat Awareness Month and the sponsoring site
is a hoot. We also touch on Country Music Month and coming around the
bend of 2024, October is a great month for life-changing reflection as
we enter the straightaway to a New Year. This and MORE …
֎ For 39ers who Follow the Stars
Start socializing now, 39ers! This month is especially open to mixing and matching for everyone. Perhaps a little slow and tense at the start for you Librans (09/22-10/23), but by the Full Moon (17th) you’ll be feeling loquacious and fun-loving, both personally and professionally. Have you been biding your time in making an important decision? You know timing is everything, and now’s the time …So, Scorpios (10/23-11/21), how about you? Have you been feeling a little introspective lately? Don’t let anyone talk you out of your spiritual peace. This Un-birthday month, you need extra time to yourself, as you work through a few issues. But never fear, you will, and you’ll be better than ever … just in time to party! Listen to your Inner Child and you’ll be ready for a 39er UN-birthday and a ghoulishly fun Halloween.
֎ More OCTOBER Fun for Everyone
For more October fun, how much do you love Country Music? Do you remember … it was four years ago + fifty that soon-to-be-disgraced President Richard M. Nixon, proclaimed October Country Music Month. Before the scandal took over, he managed to go down in history as the first president to visit the Grand Ole Opry. Raise your cyber-hand, how many 39ers are a li’l bit Country and a whole lotta Rock & Roll?!
Though there is no “official” link of sponsorship, a few sites celebrate October’s National Popcorn Poppin’ Month! I thought the site would be a natural place to start, but … well … I have this thing about sites that won’t let us opt out of cookies. So, I found that extols all the virtue of popcorn. “From its humble origins to its status as a beloved staple, popcorn deserves to be celebrated for the simple pleasure it brings.” And then they direct you to LOL! And get creative with a few mouthwatering recipes for popcorn fixin’s… don’t forget the beer!
There isn’t much else interesting to report this month, until of course …
Thursday ~ October 17th: Hopefully,
you began the month with a day (2nd) of New Moon Musings that
prepared you for a mini-fresh start to October’s Full Moon Magic. Always
special as a precursor to Halloween and lifting of the spiritual veil, this
month’s Full Hunter’s
Moon is also noted as the 3rd 2024 Super Full
Oooooh, spooky! Except it’s two
weeks before Halloween, so the moon will be just a sliver, by All Hallows Eve, making
the sky even darker …boo!
As a harbinger of winter, however,
October’s lunar spectacle, is also known to Native Americans as Falling
Leaves Moon (Anishinaabe) and Freezing Moon or Ice Moon
(Ojibwe). Whatever you call it, remember to use the Full Moon’s power as a
release for that which no longer works or has come full term in your life.
And last, but surely not least …
Thursday ~ October 31st

Its ancient Irish roots, Samhain (pronounced SAH-win), is believed to be Halloween’s origin. The Celts celebrated the end of Fall’s harvest season and winter’s beginning with festivals and feasts. To honor their dearly departed, place settings dotted the dinner table. Some Neolithic burial structures in Ireland and Great Britain are said to be aligned with the sunrise during Samhain.
֎ October Song of Note ♪
While it may not have been their most popular song, it fits this month’s 39er ATT-i-tude just fine. Although it seems that by this time in Brownsville Station’s career, they were a bit full of themselves, we can celebrate their party fun ‘tude ♪ … So we're gonna dedicate this song to everybody listening | Because the ones that get into it | Are definitely the kings of the party! … ♪
Peek in on more tuneful tidbits to manifest your memories of 1974, and keep the Rock Rockin’ from 50 Years Ago this Month! ֎ Aging with ATT-i-tude Platitude
When we were young’uns our Halloween costumes were fun, innocent imitations of spooky ghouls, wishful superheroes, or cartoon characters. Now they’re judged violent, racist or sexist. Don’t let the world quash your Inner Child. ~ L. Rochelle
UN-Birthday 39ers ~ OCTOBER
~ Rock On!
This one’s for you, kids – Ron, Cheryl, Kim, Tammy,
Lin and Terry!
Winsome Witch of the West
Join the 39
& Holding Club
Celebrate 39
& Holding Day
on Twitter: @39HoldingClub
And dear readers, I just want you to know that I try my best to create an informative, aesthetically creative article for you each month. However, Blogger is not a professional hosting site—but they’re free through Google. So we’re stuck with their crummy platform that doesn’t work well to manipulate images with writing, if you aren’t a techie who knows HTML. Trust me, I’ve tried for years to write articles without gaps between paragraphs and even between sentences. Sigh. Maybe I’ll win the lottery and be able to afford a professional hosting site someday. Cheers!
LinDee Rochelle is a writer and editor by trade, and author by way of Rock & Roll. She has published two books (of three) in her Blast from Your Past series, available on Amazon: Book 1 (currently eBook only, until updated) – Rock & Roll Radio DJs: The First Five Years 1954-1959; and Book 2 (eBook, print & color!) – Rock & Roll Radio DJs: The Swinging Sixties. Coming soon … The Psychedelic Seventies!
*Important Message: Any data, links, or opinions on this site are for your information only and does not constitute legal or medical expertise of any kind. My proficiency is writing and sensible reporting. Period. All links have been vetted, but as always, please use all data, links, or my skewed opinions at your own risk.
Are you a 39er this month? Welcome to the 39 and Holding Club! Feel free to share your UN-birthday comments below (click on Comments or if it says No Comments, click that to be the first) and tell us how you really feel about your age and aging. Keep the stories coming!
<><><><>39ers RULE<><><><>