Dancing the March Jig!
If Irish dancing
doesn’t get you up on your feet, nothing will. It’s hard to resist at least
tapping your toes to the bouncy Celtic tunes.
This adorable two-year-old Irish lass proves the lilting music is irresistible!
Being a former dancer, I watched this clip four times. Little Georgia is just
too cute, joining an Irish dancer on the streets of Galway.
March Moods:

22nd – As Young as
You Feel Day: And finally we come to a “holiday” near and dear to 39ers. As Young as You Feel Day should be heartily celebrated!
We’ve adopted it—and the delightful vintage movie
with the same name, as our official day
and entertainment activity, to enjoy the age we feel in our hearts …
Take a minute and enjoy some history
trivia to learn what VERY famous actress was catapulted to stardom with this movie!
Now that I have your attention, March 39ers, let’s get on with your
39 Years Ago this Month ~ March 1978
The California Jam II
was in full swing March 18th at the Ontario Motor Speedway in SoCal.
More than 350,000 screamin’ fans celebrated Rock & Roll and the month of
March with Aerosmith,
Foreigner, Ted Nugent, and oh, so many more. Were you there? Rock On!
For 39ers who Follow the Stars …

Pisces m’dears, try not
to take on everyone else’s pain while you empathize with the world’s woes.
Lighten up—it’s your month to party!
Audacious and valiant Aries—you’re always ready to grab the
bull by the horns. You can’t be faulted for that, ‘cause it nearly always leads
to success. Party On!
We don't stop playing because we grow old; we grow old
because we stop playing.
~ George Bernard Shaw; Irish literary
Critic, Playwright and Essayist. 1925 Nobel Prize for Literature, 1856-1950. [Quotes.]
One thing we Irish know, is how to
play! Play like there’s no tomorrow, because …
Age is a number … LIFE is ATT-i-tude!TM
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