Rejoice. Rejuvenate. Enjoy! Next Year …
Well, I don’t know about you, but I’m happy to rush through Christmas and head straight for champagne and the New Year. Especially in view of several states’ new lockdown that keeps us from our loved ones. Ugh. As we used to say, grin and bear it. Do we have a choice?
December of course, is largely about various cultural Holidays (virtual or memories) and the spirit of Christmas. We must keep the spirit alive, m’friends.
I tried to find some other interesting, off-the-beaten-track special days to have fun with, but alas … it’s nearly all about Christmas.
Don’t get me wrong, there is no other Holiday all year that keeps us ALL young, which is what we’re all about at 39 and Holding Club. (Have I driven you nuts with all the “all” references yet?! Haha.)
So let’s quit complainin’ and get on with the fun!
DECEMBER 39ers ~ And More!
did find a week that is important to consider as some of us reach our tenth,
fifteenth, or twentieth+ 39 and Holding UN-birthdays … the rest is all
fun, I promise …
As much as our inner psyche thinks we’re only twenty-five, at some point our bodies take things to a higher level. So it’s good this month to consider Older Driver Safety Awareness Week. Reflexes, sight, and let’s face it—coherent thought, if you ever had any 😊—become a little diminished as we celebrate more UN-birthdays of 39 and Holding. So take a peek at their site and have one—just one—reality day. Absorb their message, then tap into your inner child again and move on! ♪ My pick-up gets me where I please | chuggin’ down the street … ♪ *
Let me take you back. Waaaay
back … for the birth of … no, not the Christmas namesake. Not quite that far,
just to the inspiration for … National Ugly Christmas
Sweater Day!
Although holiday-specific sweaters enjoyed popularity in the 1950s, according to CNN, it was the 1980s and a
plethora of goofy movies and television shows that brought garish red, white,
and green festive-themed sweaters into the mainstream. Their fashion acceptance
has waned and peaked again through several decades, but from all hilarious
appearances, it is back as a semi-permanent Holiday staple. As you read and
enjoy, just remember, ugly is in the eye of the beholder! ♪
Don we now, our
gay apparel | Fa-la-la-la-la, la-la-la-la | troll the ancient yuletide carol ... ♪ **|
So let’s face it … if you
don’t have something done for Christmas by this day, chances are, it isn’t
going to happen. Time to relax and enjoy the fruits of your labors on Egg Nog Day!

(Of course, please do drink responsibly. As a nightcap before bed is awesome!)
For 39ers who Follow the Stars
Have you ever been put off by a rather blunt Sagittarian? These 39ers (11/22-12/21) speak their minds, often without considering how what they say will be received. They don’t mean to snap at you, but in their haste to get things done, it might happen. Don’t take it to heart. Chances are, they’re on to another big adventure, and could just take you with them!If you’re the UN-birthday Sagittarian, it’s possible you’re heading for a new beginning with December’s new moon, leading into a dynamic New Year. Add a touch of royal purple to your holiday greenery.
less determined for success, Capricorn 39ers (12/22-01/19)
may seem to be a bit too distant and self-focused. It’s just that they care so
much, they want everything to be just right for you! You’ll find them directing
the events for the month down to every detail. Cut them some slack and if you
lighten up, they’ll come around. But it’s a compromise, Capricorn 39ers.
You must be willing to listen. Give those you love your full attention this
month, and rejuvenate for the New Year!
Smoothing ruffled feathers will be easier when you line your
bright holiday colors with a soft, silver-grey. After tightening your belt in
the first half of December, you’ll see your way to a brighter upcoming year
with the full moon. Cheers!
Aging with ATT-i-tude Platitude Without family or friends near, you are still not alone. You have yourself. Reflect. Rejoice. Rejuvenate. Enjoy! ~ L. Rochelle
Don’t wait, start now! Cheers to your Happy UN-Birthday DECEMBER 39ers
This one’s for you, kids – Linda, Patricia, Ken, Kevin and Santa Claus!
Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!
Club 39
Nifty Gifts
the 39 & Holding Club!
Chat on Twitter: @39HoldingClub
* “Grapefruit-Juicy Fruit” Jimmy Buffett
** “Deck the Halls” traditional Christmas song
“Grandma Got Run Over by a Reindeer” Elmo ‘n’ Patsy (1979)
Are you a 39er this month? Feel free to share your UN-birthday comments below (click on Comments or if it says No Comments, click that to be the first) and tell us how you really feel about your age and aging. Keep the stories coming!
LinDee Rochelle is a writer and editor by trade, and author by way of Rock & Roll. She has published two books (of three) in her Blast from Your Past series, available on Amazon (eBook and print): Book 1 – Rock & Roll Radio DJs: The First Five Years 1954-1959; and Book 2 – Rock & Roll Radio DJs: The Swinging Sixties. Coming soon … The Psychedelic Seventies!
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