Sunday, May 1, 2022

Happy UN-Birthday 39ers MAY 2022

MAY 39ers – Age is a State of Mind  

While the lead-in title is nothing new at 39 and Holding Club, it seems we all need to be reminded now and again. And since May is finally finished, there is lots to remind you that age is just a number! So think young as you celebrate May ...

Our special holiday expert at Brownielocks gives us a brief scoop on the history of this lovely springtime month: May is named after the Roman goddess Maia, who oversaw the growth of plants. Also from the Latin word maiores, "elders." So, see? We fit right in!

֎ Celebrating MAY 39ers ~ And More!  

And to help celebrate the mature month of May, it’s Older Americans Month! Many sites and organizations support this designation, including the US government, on their ACL (Administration for Community Living) site. But it also fits right in the 39AHC premise too! Older Americans Month generally honors those who have passed the 50-year mark, and many of our 39AHC members fit that category! So give yourselves a pat on the back and treat yourself to a month of self-congratulatory pampering for the life you’ve lived so far.

Ten-hut! May also recognizes Military Appreciation Month. As their office site tells us: May, marked officially as Military Appreciation Month, is a special month for both those in and out of the military. Not only do we pause on Memorial Day to remember the sacrifice and service of those who gave all, but the month also holds several other military anniversaries and events, including Military Spouse Appreciation Day and Armed Forces day. A esteemed cause, and a worthy website to peruse. Do it!

May 8th: Of course, we can’t forget dear ol’ mom! It’s Mother’s Day in case you’ve forgotten. How could you? Every commercial on TV (streaming or cable), every store ad, and any other avenue of
advertising overload,  bombards us with reminders. So you have absolutely no excuse. Give Mom the credit she’s due, in person, by phone, over Zoom, or by sending a heaven-bound hug.

May 12th: The story goes that Limerick Day—yes, that’s today!—popped up to celebrate the birthday of Edward Lear (1812-1888) for his stellar, creative career and notably, the fun, inane imagination of his works. After all, he did write the first Book of Nonsense! Written in 1846, the pages of limericks are mostly silly and often don’t exactly rhyme, but still fun examples of the literary form. Lear’s limericks are also predominantly “clean,” which according to Gershon Legman (writer and folklorist, 1917-1999), is literarily incorrect.
      Even WIKI says, “From a folkloric point of view, the form is essentially transgressive; violation of taboo is part of its function.” In other words, m’dears, a little off-color is right on. I love this example of unknown origin:

The limerick packs laughs anatomical
Into space that is quite economical.
But the good ones I've seen
So seldom are clean
And the clean ones so seldom are comical

       Create your own limerick, squeaky clean or humorously bawdy!

May 23rd: See a penny, pick it up. All day long you’ll have good luck. It’s National Lucky Penny Day! Without an official link, a little research turned up its basic origin. How much do you know about the ubiquitous U.S. penny?

      Once as large as the Susan B. Anthony dollar when first mass minted in 1793, they began shrinking in size in 1856 with the Flying Eagle Cent. Our current Lincoln cent began minting in 1909. They’re everywhere now ... weighing down your pocket or purse, or perhaps collecting in jars and containers to the point of needing a wheelbarrow to redeem. Many would like to see the once-copper penny go away altogether, as its value is seen as a coinage albatross.
When you see a penny on the sidewalk, do you still pick up the “lucky penny”? If it’s tails side up, turn it over and leave it for the next lucky person! 

May 30th: And of course, we finish the month off with Memorial Day. In whatever way you honor and/or enjoy the day, give thanks to the many military personnel who have given their lives to keep us all safe.

Monthly Song of Note
When you’re looking for an upbeat tune, you can’t beat Michael Jackson’s “Rockin’ Robin” from a time when we were all more upbeat. It quickly climbed to #4 on KSEA/San Diego’s rockin’ music chart by May 22, 1972. Next time you’re outside, close your eyes and listen to the birds, I swear you’ll hear them cheep, All the little birdies on Jaybird Street | Love to hear the robin go tweet tweet tweet ...
       What did our Big Bro site, Blast from Your Past designate for this month’s Song of Note? Not “Rockin’ Robin” ... tune in to more tuneful fun and a full chart of MAY 1972’s top tunes,
50 Years Ago this Month!

֎ For 39ers who Follow the Stars
Do you have a
Taurus (April 20-May 20) mom? Break out the May flower! Those lovely little white gems, Lilly of the Valley. Taurus, known for your (mother) Earthiness, is often the levelheaded one in a group. In taking care of everyone else, however, you often forget to take care of yourself. This month—do it, Taurus. Soothe your soul and nurture your physical and spiritual self. Then you can do for others.
What is our dual-hearted
Gemini (May 21-June 20) doing while Taurus refreshes? The smart ones are taking a break on life, reviewing their options, and perhaps prepping to head down another path. This year, the mantra for a good many, regardless of Zodiac sign, is change ... change ... change. Be receptive, dear Gemini, to new directions and people, as you eagerly traverse this merry month of May.

Aging with ATT-i-tude Platitude 
There was an old woman who wrote

Words of wisdom and wit in her notes

ATT-i-tude! said the sage

Means more than your age
Last seen, sailing away on her boat

~ L. Rochelle 

Cheers to your Happy UN-Birthday 39ers ~ MAY 2022! 
       This one’s for you, kids – Susie, Pauline, Vicki, and Judith!

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Celebrate 39 & Holding Day! 
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Club 39 Nifty Gifts 


Original Intro: 39ers BULLETIN 05/01/22: In keeping with my philosophy that I offer only reasons, not excuses, this time it’s true! 😊 Your MAY article full of fun and frolic, is not here yet because I attended an intense, three-day writing event, which ended today. I learned the in-depth scoop on Amazon’s recent changes in their convoluted publishing model. It’s necessary to move forward in my efforts to support myself through writing (a life choice that I’m so far, failing spectacularly). I know you’re anxious to see what’s up with Taurus and Gemini 39ers, pay your respects to Military Appreciation Month, and learn about National Lucky Penny Day! Look for the stretchy version wit and wonky wisdom, sometime May 2nd. Have you had a chance to laugh and wonder over APRIL’s Spring article yet? Check it out while you’re waiting ... 

*Important Legal Message: Any data, links, or opinions in this site are for your information only and does not constitute legal or medical expertise of any kind. My expertise is writing and sensible reporting. Period. Please use all data, links, or my skewed opinions at your own risk.

Are you a 39er this month? Feel free to share your UN-birthday comments below (click on Comments or if it says No Comments, click that to be the first) and tell us how you really feel about your age and aging. Keep the stories coming!

LinDee Rochelle is a writer and editor by trade, and author by way of Rock & Roll. She has published two books (of three) in her Blast from Your Past series, available on Amazon (eBook and print): Book 1Rock & Roll Radio DJs: The First Five Years 1954-1959; and Book 2Rock & Roll Radio DJs: The Swinging Sixties. Coming soon … The Psychedelic Seventies!

<><><>39ers RULE<><><>





39ers BULLETIN 05/01/22: In keeping with my philosophy that I offer only reasons, not excuses, this time it’s true! 😊 Your MAY article full of fun and frolic, is not here yet because I attended an intense, three-day writing event, which ended today. I learned the in-depth scoop on Amazon’s recent changes in their convoluted publishing model. It’s necessary to move forward in my efforts to support myself through writing (a life choice that I’m so far, failing spectacularly). I know you’re anxious to see what’s up with Taurus and Gemini 39ers, pay your respects to Military Appreciation Month, and learn about National Lucky Penny Day! Look for the stretchy version wit and wonky wisdom, sometime May 2nd. Have you had a chance to laugh and wonder over APRIL’s Spring article yet? Check it out while you’re waiting ...


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