Sunday, June 9, 2019

Happy UN-Birthday 39ers JUNE 2019

Think Pink JUNE 39ers! 

While we focus on “39” here, it’s important to remember that it’s “just a number.”

Whether you’re 39 again for the first (40), third (43), thirtieth (70), or sixtieth time (100!), remaining young at heart is the key to happiness. Well, that and a healthy helping of humor makes a big difference, too.

Are you a 39er? Let’s party! Besides Adopt-a-Cat-Month, the venerable National Flag Week (9th-15th), and Garfield the Cat Day (19th), and …

Besides Your Birthday ~ Happy JUNE Celebrations 
11th: National Cotton Candy DayAfter all, a large majority of county and state fairs delight children of all ages with their frothy pink confectionaries and everything on-a-stick! Not up to rubbing elbows with 30,000 of your closest friends at the fair? A wee bit of online research, and you’ll find it ready to ship!

14th: In addition to our nation’s Flag Day, it’s no wonder that the first month of Summer hosts National Flip Flop Day! And a creative restaurant conjured up the fun, sunny celebration. The Tropical Smoothie Café not only sponsors the day but offers a creative in-café freebie when you wear your flip flops to visit them. Not in the mood to trek in the heat? Give your fave smoothie a whirl in your home blender (perhaps with a yummy liqueur added), and put your feet up, with your best flip flops on!  

23rd: More pink! Pink Flamingo Day (Lawn Ornaments) – Whaaaaat?! You’ve never stuck a fancy pink flamingo in your yard, or even your in-door plant garden? The jaunty bird is a summer necessity for fun and flash. No longer the redheaded stepchild of lawn ornaments, do you know you can rent a flock of the pink plastic summer must-haves? Better yet, buy a pair and decorate them for every holiday, OR visit your local zoo and check out live Pink Flamingos! So Pink thinks she has all the fun …

Enough for today? Exhausted from all the heat and candy and running after pink birds? Nah …
For 39ers who Follow the Stars 
Is it any wonder Garfield is a Gemini (05/21-06/20)? He’s the perfect twin personality in a mind-melding tabby.

Geminis put their quick minds to work on whatever is in front of them at the moment … work, errands, party. Did someone say party?! The quintessential party planner, Gemini finds festive ways to amaze and create a stellar gala for a friend, or themselves!

On the 21st, the caring Cancer (06/21-07/22) brings smoothies to the Gemini hangovers and nurtures them as no other Zodiac sign can. Though crusty on the surface, their loyal and loving nature makes it easy to forgive the occasional brusque manner.

June heats up with the twins and the crab … slip your flip flops on and pour another vodka smoothie to celebrate!

Aging with ATT-i-tude Platitude 
You know you are getting old when the candles cost more than the cake. ~ Bob Hope; ultimate funnyman and honorary grandfather of 39 and Holding.

Don’t wait, start now! Happy UN-Birthday JUNE 39ers: This one’s for you, kids – Sally, Christine, and Melanie!
Chat on Twitter: @39HoldingClub

Are you a 39er this month? Feel free to share your UN-birthday comments below (click on Comments or if it says No Comments, click that to be the first) and tell us how you really feel about your age and aging. Keep the stories coming!

LinDee Rochelle is a writer and editor by trade, and author by way of Rock & Roll. She has published two books (of three) in her Blast from Your Past series, available on Amazon (eBook and print): Book 1 – Rock & Roll Radio DJs: The First Five Years 1954-1959; and Book 2 – Rock & Roll Radio DJs: The Swinging Sixties. Coming soon … The Psychedelic Seventies!


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