39ers … Button, Button, Who’s Got the Party?

If you’re ready for fun, August
39ers, startle your friends and family, with a good-natured growl for … Arrr-gust: International Pirate Month!
let’s get creative with a couple of button-down Rock & Roll weeks …
4th-10th: National Button Week will have you sewing up a
storm and scouring vintage shops for great retro buttons to add sparkle to your
creations! Perhaps something to wear for …
9th-17th: It’s Elvis Week! Get “All Shook Up” and do
the “Bossa Nova, Baby.” Elvis may be gone these many years (January 1935 –
August 1977), but he still inspires us to remember, “It’s Now or Never”!
And now … let the real parties begin …
Besides AUGUST
UN-Birthdays ~ More Happy Celebrations
August 2nd-4th: Twins Day I know that’s three days, not
one, but apparently it became so popular, they went for the full weekend. Now,
twins are something I happen to focus a specialty on—as I have a matching male
pair. By the time they turned twelve, my go-to line when asked about the
experience was, “They love to hate each other (because they’re always
fighting), and hate to love each other (‘cause they can never stay angry with
each other long).
THE big Twins Day happens in, of course—Twinsburg, Ohio—with a celebration of
multiple births. And yes, you’ll be seeing double, if not more!

So even if you’re not at that
elevated age, channel your inner hippie, your raging Rocker, or your peaceful
protestor and wear a retro tie-dyed shirt, vintage band button and rose-colored
glasses, or at the very least, distressed Levi’s (yes, we started that) and
Rock On!
August 28th: National Bow Tie Day—not comfortable in vintage
Birkenstock sandals and a fringe jacket? Then go even further back to a retro
early 20th century style that just keeps on truckin’ … Of course,
the bow tie is much older than the that, traipsing through the years since the
17th century.
From royalty to black tie events, to
a staple of popular comedians, the ubiquitous bow tie still makes stylish
appearances. Fun Wiki observation: “The bow tie
hints at intellectualism, real or feigned, and sometimes suggests technical
acumen, perhaps because it is so hard to tie.” So grab a clip-on and join the
A few famous bow tie wearers: Charlie Chaplin (pic./left), Stan Laurel, Jerry Lewis, Orville Redenbacher
(the popcorn guy), and Bill Nye “the
science guy.”
31st: Bacon Day—YUM! Have you searched the
Internet for bacon recipes lately? Oh, my … it’s a scary
gastrointestinal mecca! The Food Network offers fifty different types of bacon appetizers—give one a
try! I’m drooling over the Bacon Crab Cakes.
For 39ers who
Follow the Stars
Summer parties are not
complete without a 39er Leo (07/23-08/22) UN-birthday
guest or honoree. You’ll likely meet one or two of these gregarious folks this
month, but look out for the impish Virgos (08/23-09/22). They’re no
slouches in the party department!
Don’t worry, you’ll be able to tell them apart. The lively
Leos can’t help but grab your attention in any gathering, even during hot and
steamy heatwaves. Though Virgos may sneak in while your head’s turned, don’t be
surprised to feel a big, wet (but refreshing) kiss planted on your cheek. They
can be very affectionate.

To cool off, peer into the
depths of this month’s soothing green birthstone. Many wearers believe stories
of the Peridot’s magical powers and healing properties, as
it mesmerizes with multi-layered cool, green facets.
Aging with ATT-i-tude Platitude
ordinary experiences of aging alter and clarify your view of past, present, and
future. ~ Edith Pearlman;
celebrated short-story author.
wait, start now! Happy UN-Birthday AUGUST 39ers: This one’s for you,
kids – Linda, Jim, Stephanie, and Tanya!
you a 39er this month? Feel free to share your UN-birthday comments below (click on Comments or if it says No
Comments, click that to be the first) and tell us how you really feel about your age and aging. Keep the stories coming!
LinDee Rochelle
is a writer and editor by trade, and author by way of Rock & Roll. She has
published two books (of three) in her Blast from Your Past series, available on Amazon (eBook and print): Book 1 – Rock & Roll Radio DJs: The First Five Years 1954-1959; and Book 2 – Rock & Roll Radio DJs: The Swinging Sixties. Coming soon … The Psychedelic Seventies!
Note: FYI – All links in the 39AHC site are personally
visited, verified, and vetted. Most are linked to commonly accessed sites of
reputable note. However, as with everything cyber-security, use at your own